Arlo POV

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(Just a little short chapter of our main crazy idiot- cause he's just fun to write)

Arlo groaned in agony spread out on his bed.

Last night, he found out was more than just a bit drunk.

He threw up all over the downstairs carpet and also apparently cried about how wonderful High School Musical had been.

What a tragedy.

He got up staggering a bit as his door slammed open.

Kira stared at him wild eyed and angry as hell.

"Come downstairs now".

Arlo stared at him green in the face.

With a snarl, Kira ran out.

Arlo followed him wobbling and groaning.

He entered the basement to see chaos.

One of the Novak twins lay dead on the ground. The other one screaming and pointing a gun at Aiden.

"You fucking slept with her! ILL KILL YOU!"

Violet stood nearby simply looking bored as hell.

Kira reappeared holding Y/N in his arms, she was wrapped in a blanket.

"Take care of this" He simply said and ran up the stairs.

Violet tried to follow him but the other twin pointed the gun at her yelling.

Aiden had his arms up laughing.

Arlo sighed in annoyance then quickly kicked the screaming boy in the nuts.

It was effective as he paused.

That was enough.

Arlo grabbed the gun and shot him point blank in the forehead.

There was a sigh of relief that followed.

"Finally. They found out Aiden and I hooked up. Losers". Scoffed Violet looking down at the gory scene.

With that she walked upstairs with a smiling Aiden following her.

Arlo was left to clean the mess.

He stamped his foot like a child. All he fucking wanted was a goddamn burrito.

A few hours later he lay on the kitchen table.

His parents were in Europe for a job and he was too tired to make himself food.

His phone rang and he clumsily picked up.

"Did you clean up?" Came his brothers impatient voice.

"Aye Aye Capitain. Hey why did you guys leave in such a rush?"

"There's someone who's been tracking us. I think they want to take Y/N. Were at Aidens home. Come here soon". Growled Kira and hung up.

Arlo stared at his phone.

"But...but what about my burrito?" He whined.

Arlo did not get a burrito that day.

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