Chapter 16.1- Truth

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Emptiness. That was all you felt.

You sat up in the cage, feeling the burns and marks all over your body.

Your toes had been broken but wrapped up.

Your back stung so much.

Kira was currently watching you intently.

He had given you some strong pain meds.

So, you felt somewhat high in general.

You just sat there, like a doll, completely out of it.

Kira sighed and sat down fiddling with the lock on the cage.

"I think I owe you an explanation". He says in a low voice.

"I actually met Violet the same time you did. In fact, the three of us were all in the same class. But I doubt you remember that. Anyways, I knew even at that age, that I was in love with you".

He says all this looking at the lock.

You just sit there listening.

"But see so did Violet. Well to be honest, I don't know if she really loves you. She's a weird girl. She would talk about how she had a claim on you or something". He gives a little shrug and looks at you sadly.

"Then the next year we were all in different classes. I was so sad. I just wanted to be near you. Imagine my happiness when I see you a few years later. That story with Ben was real, but you know it was Violet who told the Novak twins to hit us with the car. I don't really know her plan for that one".

You stare at him a little more alert now.

"When I talked to Violet about that she told me she liked seeing you suffer. But she also liked seeing others suffer. She also wanted you by her side 24/7. You ever thought it was weird that you got into so many accidents? Why those boys hated you so much?" He grasps the cage and stares intently at you.

"It was because she told coaxed them. She made them crazy for her even more. And she urged them to hurt you. All I wanted was you. So we made a deal".

By this point, Kira looks away looking almost ashamed.

"This year we would have you. I would introduce myself, get your trust, just so we could get you here. But you tried to run away. We anticipated that, but I was still pissed". He takes a deep breath.

"Everything that's happened Y/N was to get you here. To this point, and to have you become ours. But seeing you like this, I want you get you out. I didn't want to hurt you like this".

Kira looks at you again, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry". He whispers.

You just stare back and don't say anything.

Then you finally speak, "You got what you wanted. Just kill me already".

Kira slams his hands on the cage rattling it.


He screams loudly, the tears still running down his face, but now furiously.

You close your eyes and lay down.

Maybe it was because of what they had done to you, or maybe it was the meds.

You just didn't give a shit anymore.

You were tired, drained and exhausted, all you wanted was to sleep and never wake up.

And You did fall asleep listening to Kira's gasping sobs.

If there was one thing after listening to the truth, it was that you didn't feel anything towards any of them.

While You fell asleep, Kira watched you.

He unlocked the cage door and went to you.

Picking you up in his arms and burying his face in your hair.

He hated himself.

He hadn't meant to hurt you like this.

It was killing him inside.

He had just been so angry at you.

But, he had ruined your spirit.

And how he was unsure if he could ever bring you back.

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