✯Chapter 11✯

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A few days went by uneventfully. Levi and I kept our distance and spoke only if necessary. He was usually busy typing away on his laptop or on his phone. And I spent most of my time either doing my schoolwork or cleaning random sections of the house. Just like Colt, Levi was barely ever at home.

One day while I was working on my lesson plans for the following week, Levi knocked on my door. I went over to him.

"Hey, do you need something?" I asked him with a smile.

"Just came by to ask you if you wanted any pizza," Levi said.

"I always want pizza," I told him.

"Okay, cool." He cleared his throat. He appeared to be either nervous or uncomfortable, I wasn't sure.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him cautiously.

"Do you... like the room?"

I laughed. "Are you kidding me? Of course I love it!"

Levi smiled. "Good."

"It's just that I found some clothes in the dresser," I said, looking over at the dresser, "What should I do with them?"

When I looked back at Levi, he had gone absolutely pale. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Levi?" I asked worried.

He brushed past me and went straight to the dresser. He opened the shelves one by one until he got to the last one, which had the clothes inside. He looked confused, distraught, hurt even... Levi shook his head, perhaps in an attempt to mask how he was feeling.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked again.

Levi picked the clothes up in one fell swoop. He walked out of the room holding the clothes without saying another word. Something was off about him. I kept asking myself whose clothes those belonged to. Would it be a good idea to ask him about it?

About half an hour later there was another knock on my door. Levi handed me a small box with pizza.

"Want to eat together?" I asked him.

"I have some work to do," Levi said, avoiding my gaze for some reason.

"Oh. Okay."

I must have looked disappointed, because he asked me why I wanted to do that.

"I always eat with my friends," I admitted, "It makes me feel at home. And less lonely."

"Lonely? You feel lonely?" he asked me surprised.
I smiled. "Just a bit."

It was going to take a lot of getting used to not having Colt by my side anymore. The truth was that, despite the feeling of disgust that I had being around him, I still missed him.

Levi turned around and left. Somehow this made me feel even sadder. Perhaps I was feeling vulnerable and didn't want to be alone. Or perhaps I just really wanted to talk to Levi. Well, I couldn't expect him to like me as a friend without really talking to me much.

Surprisingly, Levi came back a minute later holding his box of pizza. I grinned widely at him.

"Thanks for coming back," I told him.

"Sure," he said.

I had the impression that Levi was just socially awkward sometimes. But he definitely meant well. I could see why Tina trusted him so blindly.

We took our pizzas and sat across from each other on the floor. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and some ripped jeans. I couldn't help but stare at the tattoos on his arms while he ate.

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