✯Chapter 16✯

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I avoided Levi as much as I could for the rest of that day. At night I had a peculiar dream about this, too.

In my dream, every time I went out to prepare something in the kitchen I made sure to finish doing that as quickly as possible so that I could go back to my room. However, during one of those times he caught me red-handed taking snacks from the fridge at midnight.

"Don't run," he said quickly, "You've been doing that all day, and I just want to talk..."

I didn't have the heart to face him, so I kept my back for him. "Oh, okay..."

"I just... wanted to thank you for helping me recover," Levi said, "And sorry for treating you like that when you were the one who made me feel better..."

"It's okay," I said, smiling to myself.

"You're not going to turn around?"


I heard his footsteps come closer. "Why not?"

I turned around and found him right in front of me. He was clothed, but all I could see was the image of his naked chest.

"Eyes up here," he said, smirking.

I blushed deeply and looked up at him. Levi rested his hand on my cheek and leaned in closer to me, ready for a kiss...

And then I woke up. I wanted to get back to sleep to continue dreaming. I wanted to know so badly how his lips felt...

Okay, I had to calm down now. This was getting out of hand. How was I supposed to face Levi now after having this dream? It was obviously not the first time that I saw him with his bare chest out, considering our sleepover the other day, but why was it killing me like this now that I had a crush on him? It was just a dream, but it felt so damn real.

The next Sunday morning I woke up early as usual. I wasn't in the mood to prepare a fancy breakfast again; my headache was still there. When I was hanging around in the kitchen to fix myself a quick sandwich, I noticed that the pancakes that I left for Levi yesterday were gone. So he ate them after all.

I left him a note on the kitchen table telling him that I would be going out for a moment. I grabbed my car keys and went out. I just wanted some fresh air, to be honest. And I really wanted to talk to Tina. I knew she wasn't a morning person, but I didn't want to wait till tomorrow to talk to her at work.

I pulled up to Tina's house and got out of my car. I went to her front door and knocked at the door. I didn't expect her to answer the door, but surprisingly she answered it pretty quickly. Well, not Tina, but some guy I've never met before.

"Hi," he said, eyeing me up and down. He had a thick British accent.

"Hi, where's Tina?" I asked, ignoring his advances.

"Who's asking?"

I rolled my eyes. "What, do you think I'm some kind of police officer? I'm a friend. Let me in, I need to talk to her."

"She's asleep," he said, yawning.

"Then I'll wait for her. Who are you exactly?"

"A friend," he said, smirking at me. I got the hint. They must have hooked up.

He let me in and I went straight to Tina's bedroom, trying to ignore the overall messiness of her house. I sat on her bed and waited patiently for her to open her eyes while I played with my phone.

While waiting for her I got a text message. Levi. I was shocked because Levi barely ever texted me. He was asking me where I went off to. I texted back telling him I went to Tina's.

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