✯Chapter 13✯

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I stayed in my room for the longest time to get myself sorted out. Levi wasn't home, so I couldn't rely on him to figure this out for me.

I wiped the tears away for the millionth time, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I was a terrible friend. After thinking about it, I started understanding why I reacted that way to Coraline's pregnancy news. No, I wasn't scared for her that she was going to have another miscarriage. No, I wasn't crying out of joy for her.

I was crying for me.

I couldn't have children. I didn't want to have any children, so the reality of being unable to have kids never bothered me. Until now. It wasn't like I suddenly wanted to have 12 kids. I was crying because I was considering this as a possibility of why Colt wanted to cheat on me. Colt told me in the past that he wanted to have at least one girl and one boy. But ever since I was told by a doctor that I couldn't conceive, Colt changed a bit. He was still sweet to me, but he wasn't as loving anymore. Was he trying to get a child with Carly?

I knew I had to stop thinking about Colt, but we've been together for way more than those few years we've been married. We started living together after we graduated from college, which was when I was 21. We lived in an apartment together for seven years, and then we got married. Colt was my high school sweetheart. The last thing I wanted was to upset him in any way.

Was my inability to conceive what made him want to go to Carly and other women? Oh, but there was a flaw in my thought process. Because Colt was cheating on me since our high school days.

The next day was a Thursday. It was a day that was about to be unforgettable. First of all it started with me getting attacked at school by Tina for being so heartless the day before. She accused me of being a shitty friend towards Coraline, who needed me in her time of need. She said that she stayed with Coraline all night, even after she gathered the courage to tell her husband about her pregnancy.

I didn't have the energy to explain anything to Tina. Not in this state of hers. So I left it at that and walked away from her. I did my best with my work, but sometimes I had difficulty concentrating. By the end of the day I locked my classroom up and rushed out of school property as fast as I could. I didn't want to see Tina again.

While I was making my way to my car, I suddenly came to a halt. I saw a familiar red Range Rover parked on the right. Colt's car! What was he doing here? Feeling an odd sensation in the pit of my stomach, I got in my car and started it up.

And sure enough, after a few seconds I saw his car start up as well. Concerned, I started driving away. I glanced into my mirrors often. There was no doubt about it. Colt was following me. But why? Was it because I kept my distance from him these days?

What could I do now? I couldn't go to Levi's house, because I didn't want him to know where I was living now. I couldn't go to Coraline's house; that would have been too awkward. And Tina, well... no. But what was I supposed to do? I didn't have a phone, so I couldn't call anyone up.


I turned the car around and went back to school. Colt followed me all the way there. As soon as I parked my car, I jumped out and jogged to the teacher's lounge. I snatched the phone up and dialed the first number that popped in my head: Levi's.

"Hello, who is—"

"It's me," I said hastily.

"What's wrong?" His voice sounded immediately alarmed.

"I want to go home," I explained, "But Colt is here. He's following me around."

Levi was quiet for a few seconds, and then he said: "I'll be right there."

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