✯Chapter 21✯

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Coraline and I peeked over Tina's shoulder to watch her video. She made a one-minute video about her cleaning her kitchen.

"Oh my God Coraline, look! She's actually doing the dishes!" I said.

"I think the world is ending," she replied.

Tina pouted. "Oh, shut up. I did it, didn't I?"

Right before the minute was over, I saw something peculiar in her video.

"Hold on, give me your phone real quick," I said, snatching her phone.

I rewound the video a bit and paused the image. I squinted my eyes.

"What?" Tina asked, getting oddly nervous all of a sudden.

"Whose arm is that?" I asked her, pointing at an arm that was sticking out in the corner of the video.

"Mine," she said quickly.

"Since when do you have so much hair on your arms?" Coraline noted.

"Besides, how can you be standing all the way over there and the arm is all the way on the right? You're terrible at lying. You always were," I told Tina.

She couldn't hide it anymore; she let out a sigh.

"Who is it?" Coraline asked curiously.

"Is it the apple guy?" I followed up.

"Apple guy? What apple guy?" Coraline asked me.

Tina rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it's him. His name is Oliver."
"Jesus, she remembers his name now!" I exclaimed shocked.

"You're the worst," Tina stated.

"I feel left out," Coraline pouted.

"I went over to her house the other day," I explained to her, "and Oliver opened the door. It was interesting because unlike the other guys she's messed around with, he didn't leave in the middle of the night or anything. In fact, he gave her an apple for breakfast. An apple!"

"What?" Coraline grinned widely. "How could our rebellious Tina be in possession of healthy foods at her home? Is it her secret stash?"

"I hate both of you," Tina said, nudging us. We laughed in response.

"So what's the deal?" I asked her curiously, "It wasn't a one-night stand?"

"I guess not," Tina replied, "He keeps calling me and coming back."

"You could ignore him," Coraline offered, "but you don't. I need to meet this guy. I don't want to be the last one to hear you're going to marry him."

"Marry him?" Tina huffed. "No way."

"But you didn't push him away like you did with the other guys," I told her. I couldn't hide the smile on my face.

"I mean... he's not so bad..." Tina crossed her arms. "He gave me the apple at first and then he made me an actual breakfast. Pancakes with scrambled eggs."

"He's been upgraded to breakfast guy," I said determined.

"But jokes aside, Tina," Coraline said, "you should get to know him. And I want to meet him."

"Hell no," Tina retorted, "What are you, my mom?"

"Oh come on, we could go out as a group," I told her, "I'll ask Levi along, and Cora can ask Terrence. You've heard of double dates, but have you ever heard of a triple date?"

"Isn't that something else entirely?" Tina laughed.

I shrugged. "Whatever, can you make it happen?"

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