✯Chapter 32✯

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Coraline's funeral was horrible. It was my first time ever losing a close friend in death, because I didn't consider many people to be my friends. My mother died years ago, and honestly I blacked out that day so I couldn't remember most of what had happened. But this one was fresh in my memory.

The room was packed with people. Colleagues, neighbors, police officers, her students... Everything and everyone there reminded me of how sweet Coraline was. Coraline, look at how many people missed you. You were only gone for a few days, but to us it felt like you were gone a few days too long.

Levi held my hand tightly while we walked in to take our seats. People kept throwing glances at us. They must have known how close we were. As soon as my eyes fell onto the framed picture of Coraline sitting on her coffin, I couldn't hold my tears in anymore. Her coffin, made of beautiful dark red wood, was completely closed off. Next to her coffin they made a much smaller coffin that represented her unborn baby. Even to people who didn't know her but who were still there for support, it was heartbreaking to see that tiny coffin.

According to Terrence, Coraline was shot in the head, so it wouldn't have been a pretty sight if they had left her body visible to the public. But not being able to see her one last time was the worst feeling in the world.

Levi gave my hand a squeeze, reminding me that he was there for me. I stared at the coffin, sobbing uncontrollably. My whole body was shaking, and it was getting excruciatingly hard to breathe.

Tina walked in just a couple of minutes after we did. Her complexion was sickly pale. There weren't any empty spots next to us, so she sat down at the other side of the room. I knew she hated crying, but she couldn't hold it in anymore. I saw her wiping her face with a tissue. It was odd how Oliver wasn't with her at a time like this.

Levi placed my head onto his shoulder and patted me gently. He didn't say anything until everything was over and we were on our way back home in the detective's car. There was no sign of Colt all day; I was hoping it was going to stay like that.

"Oliver didn't come," I said out of the blue.

Levi snapped his head to me. My voice didn't sound weak or hurt. Just... mad.

"I noticed, yeah," he said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"He should have been there, for Tina," I continued, staring out the window now.


We were both silent for a moment. Until he asked me if I was okay.

"I'm fine," I stated, but the tone of my voice said otherwise.

I felt his warm hand touch mine. I wanted to take my hand away, but when I saw his worried look, I decided against it.

"You can talk to me," he said in a low voice, "About anything."

Annoyed, I pulled my hand from his grasp and looked out the window again. I wasn't sure where this anger was coming from, but I felt like I had to take it out somehow. I felt like I was about to explode.

"Scarlett, it's understandable that you're mad," Levi said, "I am too, and I wasn't even that close to Coraline. If you want to let it out, I'm here."

My expression softened a bit, but it didn't last long.

We got back home. There were two officers guarding the house, one of them outside and the other one was sitting in the living room. I ignored them and went straight to my room, slamming the door shut and locking it. I grabbed a pillow and started screaming into it. I used to do this ever since I was small. Whenever I was upset at someone or something and I couldn't vent out my frustrations, I would scream into a pillow.

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