✯Chapter 22✯

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The rest of that night was a blur. One moment I was holding Levi in my arms. The next moment I was laying on the ground with a screaming Coraline looking down at me and an anxious Tina pacing back and forth on the phone. At a certain moment I called out for Levi, which seemed to have made Coraline lose it even more. And then the next moment I opened my eyes again I was in an ambulance.

Every once in a while I could hear voices. Nurses, doctors, Coraline, Terrence, Tina, Oliver... But there was one voice that I really wanted to hear, and I wasn't hearing it. Their voices faded in and out of my head.

"We need to stop the bleeding as fast as possible!"

"How is she still alive after that?"

"Levi's car is messed up. What a shame, it was such a sweet car..."

"The blood transfusion was a success."

"Oh my God, Scarlett can't die like this!!"

"She's not going to die."

"Why isn't she awake yet?!"

"What about Levi? Is he okay?"

Eventually I opened my eyes again. I was laying on a hospital bed this time. My body was in an immense amount of pain.

"Scarlett!" Coraline's voice echoed.

I noticed that I had an oxygen mask on. I wanted to smile and tell her I was okay. I didn't want her to lose another baby because she was worried about me. I wanted to talk to Tina and cheer her on with Oliver. But I barely had the strength to keep my eyes open.

"Scar, wait, don't close your eyes," Tina's voice said.

But it was too late. I was back into a dark, unfamiliar world of unconsciousness.

"She's going to be fine."

"What is he doing here?"

"You need to get out of here."

"Who is he?"

"She's still my wife. I need to be with her."

Colt? Was that really him? No matter how out of it I was, I could easily recognize his voice. But this time I had to concentrate extra to know whether he was truly worried about me or not. Was Carly with him? I didn't want her breathing the same air as my actual best friends.

"Scarlett, are you alright? I miss you so much."

"Now you miss her?"

"Can I be alone with her, please?"

"Over my dead body. I'm not leaving her alone with you."

I was gone again. The next time I was conscious the room was silent. I glanced around the room slowly. I saw two figures, but they were standing too far away from me. They were speaking in hushed tones.

I tried turning my head to look at them, but my neck was in a cast, making it hard for me to move at all. But at least I was able to lift my hands up a bit. The two people ran up to my bed. They were Tina and Oliver.

"Scar! You're awake!" Tina said, tears streaming down her face, "Can you talk? How are you? Gosh, I'm so glad you're okay..."

"You gave us quite a scare," Oliver remarked, and then to Tina, "I don't think she can talk yet."

"Damn..." She held my hand gently. "I've missed you so much. Coraline is worried sick about you. You better recover soon."

I didn't have the strength to tell her what I wanted to, so I tried smiling at her. I had to ask her about Levi, no matter how shitty I was feeling. I opened my mouth slightly and said Levi's name. Tina's smile that followed was a good sign.

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