chapter 15 | home run

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July 4th 2019

I WAKE UP to already hear loud chatter from the neighbors out my window. when i open my blinds i see the usual 4th of July block party being set up. the smell of pancakes had reached my room from the kitchen.

eager to start the day, i throw on a white USA t-shirt tucked into dark blue jean shorts and red high top converse that i barely ever wear, but it felt right to wear them considering the occasion.

when i made it down to the kitchen i stopped, surprised to see Ham, Benny, and Smalls sitting at my kitchen counter with pancakes.

"well good morning sleeping beauty." Evelyn mocked from beside Ham.

"that joke is getting old." i send her a look.

"alright boys ready for round 4?" my mom is at the stove flipping more pancakes.

"what are you guys doing here so early?" i approach the counter and sit next to Smalls.

"Eating pancakes..." Ham says with a mouthful, "duh!"

"Brynn it's not early it's a few minutes past noon." Benny laughs.

"oops." i sarcastically widen my eyes.

"they came by a while ago to see if you were awake and wanted to hang out, but you weren't so i offered them pancakes." my mom says with a bright smile. the three of them just nodded in agreement.

"okay, well what do you guys want to do today before the night game?" i take a pancake and fork a piece into my mouth.

"we could go play some ball!" Benny suggested, but Smalls and Ham were quick to shut that thought down and i laughed.

"we could just go hang out with our neighbors at the block party." i shrugged, and they agreed.

as soon as we stepped foot outside the smell of hot dogs hit me like a truck. before i could even step off my porch Ham flew by us and was down by the tables with food within seconds. i couldn't help but laugh.

it was the fourth of July. the day to wave sparklers around and chase your friends with them. the day to stuff your face with hamburgers and hotdogs. the day to come together with your community. the day to anticipate the big fireworks that would be let off at night. and for us sandlot kids, the day to excitedly anticipate the yearly night game.

while Benny and Smalls and I stood there on my porch watching Ham devour hotdog after hotdog, we hear my front door open and close behind us. I turn around to see Evelyn, and she was wearing my LA baseball hat.

"give it." i just hold out my hand.

"fine," she takes it off her head and places it into my hand, "but mom says that you guys need to include me."

i roll my eyes. spending the day with Evelyn is one thing, but spending the day with her when we're around my friends is a whole other thing.

"god," i mumble under my breath, "can't you just go and make your own friends?" 

"i mean i probably could," she looks up, "but i'd rather just hang around with you guys." she skips along past us and hops off the porch. she then turns around to look if we were following her.

"you guys can go," i motion with my head for Benny and Smalls to go to the party, "i need to talk to her quick."

they nod and start walking towards our neighbors and the food.

"ok listen here," i get close to Evelyn, "i'll let you hang out with us but you cannot embarrass me in any way, or be annoying. when you hang out with older kids you need to act like one."

what if → Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now