Chapter 3

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You, Nathan, and the Rainbow OPs were watching the terrorist he interrogated, and surprisingly he has remained silent the whole time.

You: "The hell is with this guy?"

Sebastien: "I've never seen someone so dedicated that they would go through how many beatings now?"

Nathan: "7."

Ryad: "If only Taina was here, this guy would be telling us everything right now."

You: "...Im going outside, I need to think about something."

You walked outside and leaned against the wall, what Nathan told you in heli was stuck in your head. If Umbrella is making BOW's then why haven't they been brought down?

Spencer: "L/N!"

You quickly looked up and fixed your posture.

You: "Sir."

Spencer: "You look like somethings on your mind, what is it?"

You: "It's nothing important."

Spencer: "I'm asking this as your friend L/N, not your CO, what's wrong?"

You: "*sigh* "There is something that has come to light, and it has me...distracted."

Spencer: "Come to light? What is it?"

Something didn't look right, if they had files on Umbrella then why did Spencer not use the evidence and expose them?

You: "Actually... it's not important."

Spencer: "If you say so L/N, but I wanted to tell you that you are being transferred."

You: "Transferred?"

Spencer: "Yes, and Wright as well, I had a chat with the director of Rainbow, and I believe it would be best if you operated with more freedom."

You: "But we've been operating here for as long as we could remember, why have you suddenly changed your mind?"

Spencer: "I'm simply looking out for you and Wright, and this a great opportunity for both of you."

You went silent and nodded, you needed to talk with Nathan about Umbrella.

Spencer: "Well I'm going to chat with our friend in the interrogation room, I'll give you some time to think about what I just said."

He put his hand on your shoulder as he walked past you. He walked into the building and someone walked out a few seconds after.

Yumi: "You've been out here for a while."

You: "What? Oh yeah, just thinking about something."

Yumi: "Mind telling me what?"

You didn't know if you could trust Rainbow, if you said something about this to the wrong person then who knows what might happen to you.

You: "It's personal, nothing you should concern yourself with."

Yumi: "Alright, I won't pry."

You: "So, mind telling me about Rainbow?"

Yumi: "Well... it's different than what all of us expected, Rainbow was different than the S.A.T. They operate differently than other CTU's, when something is wrong chosen operators will act, while the others just go about their day."

You: "That actually sounds nice."

The freedom you would supposedly gain sounded very enticing.

Yumi: "And we have access to some of the must advanced gadgets modern-day science has to offer."

The Dark Side of Rainbow (OC's and male reader X Rainbow Six Operators)Where stories live. Discover now