Chapter 8

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Carlos walked back into the room and closed the door.

Carlos: "Got the battery."

You: "Good, let's get this over with."

Carlos put the battery back into the detonator and you both took cover as it blew a hole into the bathroom wall. A group of zombies looked over and started shambling toward you and Carlos.

You: "Thats right line up."

You and Carlos started shooting at all the zombies until they were all dead on the floor.

You: "What's your ammo count?"

Carlos: "Pretty high, here."

He tossed you 3 mags and you checked how much ammo was left in your current mag and put it back in.

You: "Alright, S.T.A.R.S office should be in the next hallway."

You and Carlos stepped into the hallway but a screeching sound made you stop dead in your tracks. You and Carlos looked up and saw something that made you gag, a skinned creature was crawling above you, you looked at Carlos and he motioned toward the S.T.A.R.S office. You started moving as slowly as you could since it seemed the creature didn't see you, if it could see at all. You slowly opened the office door and when it was wide enough you and Carlos bolted into the door and you slammed the door shut as the creature screeched and leaped at the door.

You: "Shit! That was close."

Carlos: "Yeah."

He looked around the room.

Carlos: "Guess Bard isn't in here."

Carlos went to one of the computers and you started looking around, you walked into what looked like the main office and looked at a picture which you assumed was of all the S.T.A.R.S members.

You: 'Is that Jill? Huh, she was a kind of special forces as well."

Tyrell walked into the room and over to Carlos.

Tyrell: "Wheres Bard?"

Carlos: "Hospital, we got to go get him."

Tyrell: "Obviously."

Carlos quickly looked down and grabbed his radio.

Carlos: "Jill? what's wrong?"

You looked over and walked toward him.

Carlos: "What do you mean crashed? Hold on I'm on my way."

You: "What's wrong?"

Carlos: "The train with the civilians derailed and it sounds like Jill is the only survivor."

You: "I'm going with you."

Tyrell: "I'll handle Bard, you guys go."

You nodded at Carlos and walked out of the room.

Nathan's POV

We were approaching the Umbrella HQ building, at this point we didn't know what to expect.

Nathan: "Well, we're here, everyone take a breath and get ready."

Yumi: "After we find this doctor we can go after Y/N."

Ryad: "If he's still alive."

Nathan: "He is, trust me, he wouldn't allow himself to be killed by a bunch of zombies."

Yumi: "I wonder why he ran off with that woman."

Nathan: "It was probably better than running toward a massive creature with an RPG."

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