Chapter 9

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The ride to base was silent, no one wanted to talk about what happened back in the city. The arrival back to base was even worse, word had spread about the missile and when people noticed Oliver wasn't with you no one even tried to talk about it. Nathan had told you that all of the more important Umbrella scientists were moved to a hidden lab somewhere in California, unfortunately, Nathan couldn't find out where they were sent. Ryad went into his dorm and he hasn't been seen since, Yumi stayed with you and Nathan to talk further about Umbrella.

You: "I can't believe that Umbrella was making zombies."

Yumi: "What if they weren't making zombies?"

Nathan: "What do you mean by that?"

Yumi: "What if they don't make zombies, what if they make something that creates zombies?"

You: "So you're saying that they made something that makes zombies?"

Yumi: "Exactly."

Nathan: "Damn, if they can make that, what else can they make?"

You: "They made that damn creature, and you saw what it could do, who knows what they're making now."

Yumi was about to say something but she was cut off when your phone started ringing. You looked at it and saw that it wasn't anyone you in your contacts, you left Yumi and Nathan to talk while you answered.

You: "Hello?"

Jill: "Y/N?"

You: "Yeah who is this?"

Jill: "It's Jill."

You: "Oh hey, are you feeling alright?"

Jill: "Beside the endless nightmares I'm fine, did all of your friends make it out?"

You: "Yeah, the ones that were still alive anyway."

Jill: "Better than none of them."

You: "You ain't wrong, so I'm guessing you and Carlos got out?"

Jill: "Yep, we went our separate ways after a while, I've been digging into Umbrella the second I was able too."

You: "Thats good, one of my friends figured out that Umbrella moved all of their more important scientists were moved to California."

Jill: "That works out well, I'm in San Francisco right now."

You: "You do know that living in SF requires a small fortune right?"

Jill: "I know, but I'll make due somehow, I'll always do."

You: "You're not living in the best of conditions are you?"

Jill: "........"

You: "Jill?"

Jill: "I can't hide anything from you can I?"

You: "You can, but it's SF."

Jill: "Well I'll continue following any leads I can find, I'll call you again when I find something interesting."

You: "Alright sounds good, and again, I'm glad you made it out."

Jill: "Hey before you go, Carlos said that you got the vaccine for me."

You: "Huh, I didn't think he would."

Jill: "Anyway, thank you."

You: "heh, you're welcome."

Jill: "We'll talk again soon, hopefully."

You: "I know we will, I know you'll find something."

Jill: "Thanks for the motivation, bye."

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