Chapter 7

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You: "Nice to meet you, so now what?"

Carlos: "Right now we have a train full of civilians about to leave, come on."

The three of you started moving toward the train.

Jill: "Are you guys going to catch the train."

Carlos: "No unfortunately, they'll be new orders."

You: "And I have a mission of my own to accomplish, so no."

You all reached the train and Carlos went to talk to someone leaving you with Jill.

Jill: "So what are you in this hell hole for?"

You took the mag out of your gun and checked how many rounds were in it before putting it back in.

You: "Me and my team are here for an Umbrella scientist, what she knows could help us bring down Umbrella."

Her expression seem to loosen up when you said that last part.

Jill: "Bring down Umbrella?"

You: "Yeah, if we do that then something like this can't happen ever again."

Jill: "I've been tracking leads on those motherfuckers for a while now, and when they found out I was looking into them I got fired."

That furthered your suspicions about everything.

You: "That doesn't help my suspicions."

Jill: "Mind telling me what those are?"

You: "One of my friends found files on Umbrella's operation, and I wondered why hasn't the government acted if they have proof, it's simple really."

Jill: "How far can they reach?"

You: "I dont know, but from what I can tell the new team I'm part of seems to be unpaid, so that means I have plenty of people to trust."

Jill: "You can add one more to that list."

You: "Really? It's good to know we have a common goal."

Jill: "I have tons of info on Umbrella, we can help each other out."

You: "Alright, you still have your phone on you?"

Jill: "No, I left it back in my now destroyed apartment."

You: "How's your memory?"

Jill: "It's good, but I might forget it after tonight, nothing against you of course."

You thought about it for a second and took out your clip again and took out a bullet, you grabbed your knife and carved your number in it as best you could and handed it to her.

You: "When you make it out and get a hold of a phone, give me a call."

She took the bullet and put it into one of her pouches.

Jill: "Will do, just make sure you get in one piece."

You: "Don't worry, I can handle a few of the undead."

Carlos: "Jill, trains leaving."

She walked over to the train and looked back at Carlos.

Jill: "Where are you gonna go?"

Carlos: "Me and Tyrell are going to head to the R.P.D to find Dr. Bard."

Viktor: "And what about you?"

You rested your gun on your shoulder and looked at the man with a Russian accent.

You: "I guess I'll go with Carlos, might help me accomplish my own mission."

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