Glossary of Cautions

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Hi, there reader! Thank you for choosing this story. This is my first story, please be kind and respectful. Many mistakes will be evident, feel free to give constructive criticism. The story line might be messy as it progresses and will be updated infrequently but a chapter will published every once in a while.
Don't plagiarise this work and as a matter of fact any work, please give credit where credit is due.
Lets inspire each others work to keep literary works evolving.

This story contains themes of abuse of all types, adult scenes, and violence.

This is a work of fiction. Any coincidence of name, place, location, or situations is unintentional.

Also it maybe very cheesey 🧀 and cliche at times.

The story starts off slow but please stick with it if you want to get to the action tidbits.

If you would like more of a summary than the initial description of the story before reading or after reading you still want more information go to:

Author note: Intermission

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