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I have got a weird feeling about this, this is a too well planned setup. I hope I'm not right. The place starts to fill up with the other reporters.

Some noticing I took a prime spot in front and center. As they pass by busying themselves with setup among other things, one or two gave me the stink eye from faraway.

Hey, don't blame me blame fate, or whatever deity has given shitty luck today. Then a woman sat right in behind me, how do I know? Well, its pretty hard to ignore the suffocating floral perfume she has literally dowsed herself with.

From what I can tell it is a pretty expensive perfume. "Hi" she says. I turn around to greet her with a soft smile. I got to play with my some of my strengths and put my best foot forward. She visibly sucks in a breath and her hair line starts turning a soft pink color. " Hi, I'm Miles. Stat...."

I am interrupted by a horrible squealing noise. The mics in the front had been all turned on at the same time "t, t, t, sound check", a man testing the sound gently pounds each of the mics with a finger, " alright ladies and gentlemen please take a seat, and if you need some extra time please let us know, press conference will start very soon. Thank you"

So much for networking, I will try to swap business cards later so I turn back around. The seats where taken up sparsely by the rest of the reporters. I have been texting my supervisor letting her know about the plans since I have gotten here.

M:News conference is starting soon

S: Great.Walk me through some of your questions

M: ok, the meteorite that entered to earth what happened to it ?,
Did any one get hurt, buildings, property?
Why such a strong presence of protection?
Who will be handling it if it did survive?
Can you explain the odd purple aura around it at the the time of reentry?

S: Good. The segment will first play the clip which is happening right now and then we will tune in as soon as the conference starts.

I put in my ear piece and adjust my mic " Can you hear me" I ask. " Loud and clear" says the voice on the other end before two more figures take the stage.

" Ok, ladies and gentlemen. This is Dr. Saib, he along with the police sergeant Nicolas Ceres will be giving out statements and answering your questions" says the mic tester.

" Ok, I will start first" says Sergeant Nicolas " We responded to reports of a unknown object burning in the sky, presumably a meteorite, up above known residential areas and dispatched police officers to go investigate. We then called the local National weather service office who provided further guidance on trajectory based on multiple factors such as possible angle of reentry, pathway, and weather conditions. At this time
We are further investigating but there has been no reports of damage as of yet. I'll give the mic to Dr. Saib"

"Thank you, Sergeant. Based on preliminary findings it appears this is only one such object that has been seen at this time. But we will be diligent in reporting other sightings for the public for safety reasons. We are not sure how the trajectory of this object had coincided with earth's planetary orbit and where it may have come from, and if there is any remnants of it. We must advise against the public actively putting themselves in the way of falling objects in order to collect them. Please report if it is believed such objects may cause harm."

The doctor looked expectedly at his audience then at the Sergeant. He clears his throat
" we will now be taking some questions" I am front and center and my hand shots up. "Yes, you at the front". I stand up and speak clearly " Hi, Station 5. Question for Dr. Saib. Why do you believe this object should not have collided into earth?"

Dr. Saib looked out at the small crowd and he carefully said " We at the National weather service have diligently and carefully surveyed the upper stratosphere and the surrounding cosmos around our planet for such things but this may be an anomaly. And may give us more information on the interstellar journey of traveling space debris."

I sit down and I am not called on again because Everyone else around me had just leap up from their seats to bombard the Dr. and Sergeant with their questions. I do the same as the others, shouting my questions to get more information but all the people at the podium just hustle out of there. " Ok , people. No more questions, shows over " says mic tester.

Well, that got out of hand real quick. I quickly get out of there with my equipment, making my way to my parked news SUV.

"Good job out there " I had forgotten that my earpiece was still in my ear. The voice had nearly caused me to leap out of my own skin from being startled. " Thanks, I will see you at the station" I answer as I organize all the stuff into the SUV. I make sure to take it off and turn it off, throwing the contraption in the back seat.


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