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Entering the lobby the stream of clustered bodies we had been following turned into a vast sea of people. I tightly clenched my youngest by the hand, sarah clutched the hand of her father. While david decided he was old enough to walk on his own. I made sure to sandwich him in between myself and his father.

I followed my husbands back and he bulldozed his way forward muttering a string of hurried apologies as he passed by. We reached the front where more people spilled out into the hotel's drive way.

We broke away from the small crowd taking refuge under a small willowy tree. I stood while my children frolicked under its shade. The fierce sun heating the pavement and the street empty of any activity.

I look out past our visible section of the street to the buildings farther away. Contemplating my long term plans for the future, i stare out into the distance for a long while. I feel a nudge on my shoulder, my husband looks at me his eyes twinkling. Looking at his weathered face, I can still see remnants  of that naive jovial adolescent face who I had fallen in love with.

But when I look at his current aged face I feel bile coming up my throat and a sinking feeling in my heart. " Hey, what are you thinking about? Come, I want a hug" he says pulling me under his arms, pressing me into his body. " I love you" he said, I stay silent before relenting to the unspoken demand of reciprocity. " I love you, too" I say, regretting the flash backs that flood behind my eyes.

I hear the crowd shuffling behind us." I think the buses are coming " says a young female voice from within the crowd. A loud shuttering engine can be heard from a distance getting closer. A large sleek grey and black charter bus appears from the corner. Several other charter buses follow suit soon after as well.

A row of about 10 buses fill the front driveway and side parking lot. A uniformed lady jumped out of the first bus in line. With a pep in her step and a megaphone in hand, she started directing people into the buses single file.

We join the crowd, listening to instructions blasted to our ears.The first bus was closest to us. We board, shuffling our way to the back. David and sarah, the two oldest wanted to stay with their dad. The youngest saul came with me. The arrangement for the  kids is the inner most seats and the adults in the ends.

The charter bus seat are quickly filled. People chatter happily around us.  My own kids excited by the new environment look around with wide eyes. The overhead speaker squawks
" hello, ladies and gents this is your captain speaking I would like to remind everyone to keep valuables on your persons and keep an eye on small children." She takes a deep breathe before continuing " the bathroom is situated at the back, each window has a safety release handle in red, and finally please stay seated. This trip will take 30 minutes to our destination on the beautiful shore of Tlatoc lake."

The bus hums more voraciously as it switches gears to move. Slowly the bus picks up speed leaving behind the hotel. I look out at the fast moving scenery, but my sons antics keep me busy.  First he starts kicking the seat in front with his little feet. I grab his little feet to stop him for a while. Gratefully the driver puts on a movie to entertain all the kids on the bus and to stop the rein of terror that the bored kids were ready to unleash including my own.

The scenery started changing, more rock formations were visible and trees became more abundant. The bus entered a smaller street and slowed down. The bus went on for several more miles before we stopped at the side of the road. I looked out from the window across from me.

A glittering clear blue green lake met my eyes. I searched further and saw a stage with some banners. " we are here lake Tlatoc, please take your belongings and at the end of the rally come here to board. The buses will be stationed here" The captain explained.

Our sole star was still beating down on us with its hot fury. But the trees around the place where not tall enough to grace us with their shadows in the clearing. Great, good thing I always have a stash of sunscreen in my purse.The bus empties out and  we follow suit. I dutifully go around spraying and slathering sunscreen on each family member as we make our way slowly to the stage.

The stage is draped with a deep blue cloth and the podium is black. Various microphones are bunched together like a bouquet and large news cameras line up in front of the stage. As the crowd slowly gets bigger, big stadium lights buzz to life. The crowd murmurs in anticipation.I turn to my husband with a questioning glance" what do you think they will tell us?" He shrugs " I don't know, Allie, it could be any thing"

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