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Maryam then came rushing in through the door.
"Still upset dear are you?", Abdul said stifling a laugh.
Maryam looked at us for some time glaring, but then after a minute burst out laughing.
"It's Okay, you guys got me.", she laughed and then turned towards Zesmina narrating the turn of  events and laughing with her.
I sighed and continued on my next case, which looked like a complex one...
Hours flew by, and i didn't even notice when lunch time came.
"Wow!", i said, "lunch came so soon, i am not even halfway done with my cases."
"Well!, if you wouldn't have laughing over idiotic jokes that you make around, you would not be frowninh now about not being able to finish!", said Rehman.
I looked at him surprised, Why was he being so rude, i didn't joke about him.
Before i could say anything Maryam said," come on Rehman give it a break , it was me she was making fun of, not you."
Rehman just huffed, and went outside the door, Abdul followed him saying, "man, loosen up a bit, go easy on the ladies."
I couldn't hear his reply.
"Come Shahista lets go and have lunch , don't worry about him, he will be fine in some time again.", Maryam said smiling at me.
I smiled back to her, and said to myself, she is so nice and sweet, i wonder why does Rehman behave like this all time?
We three headed towards the cafeteria.
"So guys, we have a break on Sunday right?", said Zesmina to us.
"Ya we do!, its one day when you don't have to listen to constant bickering of patients all day long, said maryam.
We entered the cafeteria and went to sit in a corner seat.
"You know what!", said Maryam suddenly taking the seat infront of us, "Why don't we meet up on Sunday?, i Will give you a tour of Sharjah, it's amazing!!! We can ROAM, SHOP, WE CAN WATCH MOVIES, i will take you to my favourite restaurant.
"Wow sounds like fun!", said Zesmina, "What do you say Shahista?", she continued.
"Well!, i don't know," said i hesitantly. "Sunday the only day i have off, i need to asked permission for bhaiyaan about this, you see he would not like me to to go to Sharjah again on one day, we got off!"
" come on", pleaded Maryam, "after what you did with me, you owe me this, come-on girl, cant you manage one permission?"
I laughed, "Okay! Okay!, i will try and ask bhaiyaan for permission."
"Great Shahista, And don't worry if farhaan doesn't allow i can talk to your brother about it.", said Zesmina confidently.
I looked at Zesmina with narrow eyes, when did this girl become so outspoken.
"Done then!", said Maryam, "i will go inform the guys later.!"
Then we all three dug into our foods.
After finishing our food, we headed quickly back to our cabin. I entered and saw the boys were already there, i didn't see them in the cafeteria, i wonder where they had lunch. I decided to ask Maryam later. Anyways there was very huge pile of work already loaded. So i started right away without wasting any further time on anything else.
We worked in silence for the next couple of hours. Just the sounds of papers, pens and patients was heard.
"Done!", said i finally after my last patient was over. I sighed in exhaustion, and looked at the time it was already 4:15, i had worked for hours without a break. I was very tired today, but i couldn't give it a rest, i had to attend the coaching now.
"Hey guys good news!, look at your phones!", said Maryam excitedly.
"What happened?", asked Zesmina.
"Wow!, great!", said Abdul looking at his phone.
I looked at him for an explanation.
"Today the coaching is cancelled as sir is busy with some other work.", said Abdul.
"There is nothing to be too happy about it, of this happens often, or syllabus won't get completed!", added Rehman solemnly.
I was happy though i knew Rehman was right, but i was tired to my bones and wanted rest.
"Good!, now i can go home and rest!", i said to myself.
I looked at Zesmina, who was also relieved, but the look at her face, i could say she also had the same thought as me.
Suddenly the door flew open and Faruk walked in, "Hey Ms Einstein, bad news, no study today!", said he looking at me.
I snorted at him and made a face, "i know!".
Zesmina laughed looking at my face.
"Oh by the way guys!", said Maryam, "listen we have a plan!"
"If it's about shopping for hours!!,i am not interested,", said Abdul.
"Oh shut up!,", said Maryam, "listen since this is gonna be our first weekend off after we meet Shahista, why don't we give her and Zesmina a tour of Sharjah, this Sunday!, it's gonna be fun, it's been some time since we hung out!"
"What do you think Faruk?", said Maryam.
"Sure" said Faruk, i would love to show them around", he said meaning both me and Zesmina, but he was looking at me.
I looked somewhere else, staring at those green eyes always makes me feel giddy from inside.
"What about you Abdul!", said Zesmina.
"Oh you don't need to ask him Abdul will go wherever there is food!", said Maryam.
I laughed at him, and he winked back at me.
"I will come, on your popular demand ladies!", said he. Maryam looked as if she was about to puke listening to his comment, and Abdul just rolled his eyes on her.
"I will come with Rehman, directly to the location.", said he.
"I am not going!", said Rehman softly.
We all immediately looked at him after he said this.. Abdul was  surprised. "What! Are you crazy? Why?".
"I am sorry, but i just don't feel like going", said Rehman.
I sighed a part of me was expecting this though, i don't know why he does this always.
"Oh come on Rehman! Don't be a spoilt, !"
"I am sorry Maryam!", Rehman said, "But i really don't feel like going."
"Come On Rehman please! It's gonna be our first time touring Sharjah!, please come with us.", said Zesmina.
Rehman looked at us, and then finally said, " okay i will go."
"Yay!! Then it's done!! Sunday we are having a blast!!", shouted Maryam clapping her hands.
We all laughed at her outburst, Oh!, how i loved this girl, she was so fun."
Then we made some more plans, about where we would be heading first, and where we would we meet, and what transport would we take.
Abdul' s only contribution was of food, he gave an elaborate speech about the various restraints of Sharjah and their cuisine, at the end of which we were all laughing holding onto our stomachs.
Oh god!, how did i ended up with these amazing friends.
"Are you serious", said Maryam to Abdul.
"I really am!", said Abdul. "The kitchen doesn't sell spaghettis it sells plastic noodles, i swear i slipped into their kitchen and confirmed it."
I laughed at his depiction of slipping into the kitchen.
I looked at my watch suddenly, oh!, it was already 4:45
"Come a bus leaves for Mleiah at 5. I will give you a ride to the bus stop.", said Faruk softly to me.
I looked at him and nodded, "Zesmina let's go!", said I.
She nodded and said "you guys go ahead!, i will be coming right behind."
I nodded and collected my things and followed Faruk to the door.
"Bye Shahista!", said Abdul. "Bye Gal!", said Maryam blowing me a flying kiss. I laughed and blew  a kiss back to her. "Bye guys!", said I and waved to the two of them. I noticed Zesmina was busy talking with Rehman. I didn't say anything but just went outside the door with Faruk.
We walked in silence together for some time, towards the door.
Then Faruk said breaking the silence, "I would love to spend the day with you.!"
I smiled blushing, and said, "Ya me too!".
He looked at me and smiled showcasing his dimples, i couldn't help it and turned red as a beetroot, there was something in those eyes which made me giddy from inside.
"Hey Guys!", we heard a noise . I was thankful as i tore my glance away from him, which was getting very awkward. I turned behind and saw Zesmina coming towards us.
"Let's go!", said she and walked swiftly passed us towards the door. I nodded and followed her, reminding myself to thank my bestfriend again for saving me from an awkward situation.

Once outside Faruk said, "wait, I will bring the car!"
No need Faruk, let's walk it's gonna be better!", said I
He nodded and we walked to the bus stand just to see that the bus has already arrived.
"Well he said, see you on Sunday, come to Sharjah taking the first bus, and i will be at the bus stand to pick to guys up.", he said to me.
"Sure i will! I too am very excited to see you!", said I
He laughed and then i said a finally goodbye to him and boarded the bus with Zesmina.
We took our seats on the front of the bus. I sat near the window and Zesmina in the aisle. It was only 5 pm, i was happy that i would be able to reach home by 6:30 today. I was also feeling excited about Sunday , it would be fun hanging out with friends again, as me and Zesmina used to do in college.
I sighed as i started remembering my college days, it was both full of fun and hurt. I missed my college friends, but i loved my new bunch of friends also. Maryam was so sweet and caring, even Abdul with his annoying personality was fun to be with and then there was Faruk who had always been so nice to me since the starting. I loved these guys too, except Rehman, i wonder what problem he had from me, he is always poking and reprimanding me.
I consider discussing this with Zesmina, so i turned towards her and said, "Why does Remain behave like this? He is always in a sour attitude, and i hate that!"
Zesmina looked at me and said quietly, "he is not that bad, it's just that he speaks less."
"Speaks less! He doesn't speak at al, the only time he opens his mouth is to pass a sarcastic comment about me."
"Oh Shahista, i think you are being partial, he is not that bad.", said defensively.
I looked at her with narrow eyes. Why are you defending him like this?"
"I am not defending him, i am just stating  that i think so you are judging him to quickly."
"I am not judging him, just stating a fact", i said shrugging my shoulders. "And how did you know whether am i quick to judge him or not?, Had he spoken to you about me?," i asked.
"No he hasn't!", said Zesmina, "i was just stating a fact"
"Then tell me, what were you talking about with him so softly? I saw you to talking when i left the room..", i asked indigently .
"That! That was nothing..", said she quietly and turned her head towards the other side.
I knew she was hiding something from me, but i didn't press the matter, and chose to drop the topic.
I turned towards the window gazing outside. I looked at the trees passing by quickly one after the another, and the time flew by.
The bus came to a halt, I checked the time it was only 6:30. Zesmina got up and i did the same. We got down the bus together and said I said "goodbye girl, se you on Sunday!"
She just nodded in affirmative and then turned and started walking in the opposite direction towards her uncle's house.
"Wow!", i said to myself. "That was cold of her". Is she upset about Rehman?", i wonder to myself.
Anyways i left that thought, and took out my phone to call an uber. When i did, i saw a missed call from bhaiyaan. I was a bit surprised, since he hardly calls me when i was at work. Nevertheless, i texted him that my work had completed early, and i would be coming home soon.
A car honked, and i looked up from my mobile to see the uber has arrived. I opened its gate and climbed inside it.
As the driver drove towards my home, i sighed to myself. I was not drop dead tired today like other days, but the slight conflict with Zesmina on bus has taken my toil. I wondered what happened?, i had known her since 6 years, and there were very few things were conflicted upon. Anyways I decided to let the matter go, and not think about it to much as it has started to give me a headache.
I looked at my watch it was 6:40 pm, "good!", i said yo myself. Now i would go home and enjoy a cup of coffee, watching television in the sofas. It would be a nice break, as after this job, i barely got time for myself to relax and have some alone time.
With this thought in my mind, i reached home,. The driver parked infront of the house, and i noticed that my brother's Mercedes was in the garage "Maybe!, he had come home really!", i said to myself. Anyways i paid the driver and got down from the uber.
I walked upto the front door,  and rang the bell. The door opened and i, said " Hey bhaiyaan i am.." . I stopped in mid-sentence, i had expected Farhaan bhaiyaan, but the person standing in-front of me was not bhaiyaan, even though he looked a lot like him.
"Asalaamoalaikum  sister!", said Rehaan bhaiya.
"Walekumasalaam!", said I shocked, what was he doing here.
"Good to see you are home!, come in", said he and moved from the door.
I entered the house and there scene infront of me gave me another shock. There sitting on the sofas, where all my brothers along with dad.

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