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3rd person POV
Farhaan didn't say anything, so Zesmina took her cue and kept quiet.
They silently made their way towards the bridge.
The sight was truly beautiful around them. Away from the city's busy life, it was serene and quiet. There was no traffics on the road, so they walked peacefully in the middle of it.
The path was deserted except for a few people who were enjoying their evening walk. There passed a few homes. They were so different from the city houses. Small , humble and modes. They looked so & had beautiful well kept gardens infront of it.
Most of the people who were out on roads at this time of the day, were either elderly or young mothers strolling their toddlers. The atmosphere was so quiet that you could hear the chirping of birds on trees.
Finally they reached the river bank
Zesmina gasped on seeing it, she had never seen anything so beautiful like this before.
The crystal clear river water hit the bank in small waves. The bank was decorated with beautiful trees and she could also make out some ducks on it. The white figures shone against the dark background
There was a curved wooden bridge over the river, which looked really old .
Farhaan went towards it and she followed him.
They stopped at the middle of the bridge and overlooked the river. It was so beautiful. The full moon was being reflected on the river surface.
They just stood there side by side enjoying the view.
She was so lost in it. It looked heavenly!
"What do you want to know about me?", said he very quietly looking ahead.
She tuned towards him and whispered, "Everything!"
He smirked and looked down, "Shahista must have told you a lot. I don't like to talk about myself."
"Farhaan what Shahista told me was how great a brother you were or how many sacrifices you have made. I don't care about all that!"
He looked towards her .
She looked at him keenly and said, "I want know about your story, what you like or dislike! Where do you work? What do you feel about things?. Everything!"

He sighed and went and sat down on a bench. Zesmina stood standing there, gazing at the waters.
"I am a businessman !", said he quietly.
She turned towards him and said, "do you really wanted to become one or family forced you to?"
He looked at her and laughed, "where do you get these ideas?", said he.
She laughed back, "it was just a wild guess.!", said she and shrugged her shoulders.

He stood up and went to stand next to her overlooking the waters
"Do you remember when Shahista first told you the story about her past?"
She nodded , "I remember it distinctly. I have never seen her crying so much!.
"What did she told you? I mean when did it all start?"
"She told me it all started changing when she was in class 10!"
He nodded, "Thats correct! That was when our eldest brother Rizwaan got his first job."
He sighed and looked towards her , "What she didn't say was that it wasn't just her life that changed that day! It was also mine & kind of everyone's!"
She looked at him intently.
Averting her eyes from her he said softly "I took science in 11&12, i wanted to be an engineer."
She didn't say anything, just listened. So he continued,
"Since everyone expected me to follow my brothers footsteps . No one ever thought about it much. They believed i would eventually go into business like everyone else."
She nodded her head in understanding
"When shahista was in class 10, i was in class 12. The day Shahista came home was also the day my results for the engineer entrance examination came out. Everyone thought i had sat for it just like that, but i knew i had put in a lot of efforts. It was my passion and my dream", he said staring into nothingness ahead trying to relive the past days in his head.

"And?", she asked softly.
He turned towards her and smiled, "And I  got a chance to study engineering in MIT."
She just stood there stunned at his words.
"MIT! That was amazing! But then .. why.. I mean how?", she stumbled lost for words.
"That day when i came home to announce my results, everyone was so hyped up about Rizwaan bhaiya's job that i didn't get a chance.", he paused and continued, "when eventually people calm down, i decided to tell Shahista, because i knew she would be so happy.  So i went to her room."

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