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".. So with these results our experiment comes to an end. I have already written the paper , which i have shared with you all. On Saturday we will have a grand press conference where i will read our paper to the public. You all have been briefed about it.", said Dr Hudson.
The whole room burst into applause and i cheered from the front row . It was such an honour working with him. He was a very persistent and hardworking person. I would miss him and all other members of the research team.

"And now, i am gonna invite the very person who has made this research possible Mr Zaroon.!", said Dr Hudson and stepped back from the podium.
The whole room once again burst into applause as Sarafarz stepped on the stage looking handsome as ever.
He had insisted that i call him Sarfaraz , so now i don't say Mr Zaroon except at work, where calling him Sarafarz seems a bit informal.

"Well for starters congratulations to Dr Hudson and his team for the exceptional job..!", he started speaking in his British accent. I think he was the only man i knew who could speak English flawlessly in British, America as well as an Indian accent.
In the last few months , i have got to know a bit about him. He was a genius and genuinely a king.. He wasn't someone you want to double cross with. He was cunning as a fox, or so bhaiyaan had told me once . In short he was a very powerful person and dangerous guy for his enemies.
When i have heard this , i had become a bit apprehensive of him. Especially as i have also given him my private number. But as he had promised he hasn't interfered in my private life till now, and i was thankful for that. 
As his speech came to an end ,the whole room burst into applause. I also joined in, even though i hardly heard anything .
People started getting up to leave and i too made my way outside the room.
Once outside my phone rang, i saw it was Faruk, immediately a small smile formed on my lips.

I picked it up, "Asalaamoalaikum!", said I.
"Waalekumasalaam !", said the voice which brought peace to my heart. "How are you?", said he.
"Alhamdulillah! and you?", said I.
"Alhamdulillah. So tomorrow is the last paper?", said he.
"Yes!", said I, "i cannot believe i am gonna complete my post graduation. It feels as if only yesterday, i came here to get admitted.", said I.
"Yes! It definitely, doesn't feel long!", said he. "So you are free tomorrow right?", said he.
"Yes! I am free tomorrow , but after that i am busy till Saturday. Saturday i have the press conference!", said I.

"Oh yeah!", said he, "big day. You are gonna nail it.!", said he.
I laughed "yea sure. Anyways i have to study now. See you tomorrow.!", said I.
"Allah hafiz!", said he.
"Allah hafiz!", said i and cut the phone.

I made my way towards the reading zone and stumped down to revise for my last paper due tomorrow.
I opened my books and notes and started studying, when i heard a voice behind, "Hey!",
I turned and saw Zaroon standing on the door.
"May i disturb you!", said he with a charming smile.
"Ofcourse ofcourse sir. Come in!", said I.
He raised an eyebrow in interrogation.
"Sorry. Sarfaraz,! Come in.", said I.
He smiled and came and sat on the chair next to me.
"My name is that bad?!", said he.
"No .. ofcourse not.. its really good.!", i blurted out.
"So you really like my name?!", said he with an amusing smile.
"Uh.. huh..!", I stammered lost at words. I have known him so long now, but i still become tongue tied  infront of him.
"Yes Ms Shahista!", said he politely.
I looked down blushing. When i will i stop embarrassing myself infront of him?
He laughed , "anyways!"
"Shahista! Can i speak to you about something?", said he.
I looked at and saw his serious face
"Sure , everything is alright?", I asked quickly , my voice filled with concern.

He looked at me for sometime with a dreamy expression in his eyes and then said slowly, "Everything is perfect!".
I didn't quiet understood him.
"Uh.. huh.., then what is it?", said I clueless.

He smiled at me and then looked away. I noticed with surprise a red tinge on his cheeks.
Wow! Is he really blushing? I have never seen him out of control like this before.

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