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"Shahista! I am leaving!", said bhaiyaan from downstair which woke me up.
I opened my eyes, and said in a groggy voice, "Okay bhaiyaan, Allah hafiz!"
"Allah hafiz!"  He said and then i heard the front door opening and shutting behind.
I checked the time, it was 8:30, i got up and went to the bathroom.
I took a shower and got dressed up in something nice and comfortable.
After that i grabbed my bag, and went downstairs, i took my keys and left the house locking the door carefully behind me.
I called a cab and made my way to the cafe, i checked my mobile and saw a message from Faruk, saying he had arrived.
The cab quickly pulled over and i paid the driver and went inside, there i saw him sitting at the corner seat looking outside the window and i felt a heavy burden being relieved off my chest . All those tension from the last few days started ebbing away a little.
He looked at me and smiled, "Asalaamoalikum! How are you!"
"Waalekumasalaaam!", said I taking the seat opposite to him.
"I am good!", said I and sighed.
"That bad huh!", said he gently looking at me. "you can tell me anything!"
I just rubbed my face with my hands and said, "let's oder first!"
He nodded and called the waiter, we ordered our dishes which came shortly. The waiter placed it infront of us
"So spill!", he said taking a sip of his cofee.
"Well it was going on fine..", i started and then told him about my first day, the good inauguration, the helpful nurses till the time i came to the Osama part.
"Damn!", said Faruk laughing, "such a creep!"
"Exactly", said I cutting my egg with a fork, "who does that?"
"Shahista! You are Ahmed family's daughter, people are gonna try to talk to you too reach your family . Is just that he made it so obvious!"
Really, this was gonna happen? I never thought about these things, because they didn't bother me in india. Nevertheless i didn't  say anything and just ate my eggs, i didn't like this idea of being ahmed family's "daughter".
"So continue!", said Faruk taking a bite of his toast.
"Well everything was fine for a couple days, but yesterday bhabhi called be.", said I and i told him everything about the Dr Hudson and research.
Faruk eyes widened when he heard it, "wow!", he said softly.
"I know it's great! But first hear me out!", said i waving my hands infront of him, so i went on to tell him about my insecurity regarding her plans, and the fact that she was planning something.
He listened patiently and said, "the reason she gave you the job is very simple!"
"Faruk please you don't know her the way i do, it's not out of love, trust me!"
He looked se me with amusement, "who said something about love, i meant another reason!"
"What!" I asked him.
"Simple she wants you to look good!"
"Wait.. what? That's ridiculous!", said I.
"I mean she wants to polish you like.."
"Like what she did with Rizwaan bhaiya!"? Said i horrified. What i hated more than bhabhi was turning into her, and that's what was she planning to do with me, it dawned at me.
Suddenly realisation hit me hard, it was all her plan, her offering me job, her making me a part of a Dr Hudson research. It was all calculated steps taken by her to showcase the world a model of Ahmed family's daughter.
But still one thing was unclear..
I asked Faruk, "but why me? Why put so much effort in me, i am not any of my brothers!"
"But you still carry Ahmed family's name. You are the only daughter of Aftaab Ahmed, whether you like it or not, you are gonna be in limelight. In a town as small as Mleiah, everybody knows the Ahmed family."
I stared at my plate as i listened to him, was it true? Will i be in a limelight? Sure, i wanted to be recognised but but my brothers and father, not by anyone else. I liked being inconspicuous and living with bhaiyaan in my old house.
"So shall i give up this offer?", said I.
"Are you insane !, saod Faruk, No never! It's s stupid to give up such a rare chance."
I nodded my head, he was right, the opportunity was not something i could give up.
"Work sincerely Shahista and complete your studies! That comes first. This is just a rare opportunity that will teach you a lot. Maybe the change would be for good!", he said grinning at shrugging his shoulder.
"Never!", said I, "if i do that job. I well do that, with maintaining my originality!"? Said i determined.
"Woah!", he said raising his hands. , "that's one hell of a spirit."
I laughed and then we talked for some more time.

"Well see you since soon!", said Faruk getting up.
I got up with him and said, "See you soon!"
We made our ways outside the cafe and later parted away.
I immediately called a cab for home. Once when i reached there, i decided to sit down and review the pen drive bhabhi had given me.
I plunged in the sofa, with my laptop and inserting the pen drive into it.
I opened the files and started reading the content. It basically contained details on Dr Hudson's research and his paper
It was really good. The background was strong, and the research was showing positive findings very quickly.
I could easily see why he had been so acknowledged world wide. His methodology was also very simple and foolproof. However he had been facing certain problems lately. Mainly because of lack of sponsorship , he was having difficulty working with.

I was in the midst of all this when my phone chimed, it was a message from bhabhi.

                  "Asalamoalaikum Ayesha here,
                 I hope you have read those files and briefed yourself with his world. Tomorrow we will expecting Dr Hudson and his team of doctors along with few businessmen coming with the intention of expending his research. I will receive them and introduce you,  be prepared for any questions thrown your way."
                            -Allah hafiz"

The message ended, and i started panicking, what questions? I had barely read the gist of his research, i hardly knew anything about him. I wasn't ready to be interrogated by him or any businessmen. I stared hyperventilating, and was in the middle of almost having a panic attack, when a key turned into the front lock and bhaiyaan came in.
"Asalamoalikum.. shahista.", he said and then he looked at me and saw my face
. "What happened?", said he with v
"Bhaiyaan i .. i .. research.. presentation!", words mumbled out of me.
Bhaiyaan dropped his bag and came and grabbed my shoulder, "take a deep breathe come on! Breathe! Breathe with me!", he said deep breathing.
I breathed with him, slowly in and out and my fear started ebbing away.
"Now tell me, what happened?", said he with concern.
I looked at him and poured out everything to him, he was a very patient listener and didn't question me till the end.
After i finished, he sat down beside me and said, " that it! There is nothing to be scared of!"
"But bhaiyaan i don't know anything! And i have this thing tomorrow, how will i ever answer a single question about it."
Bhaiyaan grabbed my hand and told me in a very calm voice, "listen Shahista i may not be a doctor but i am a business man. I know for one thing sure, you don't ask a lot of questions when you meet someone for the first time.
Dr Hudson most probably will ask one question or two about you , may even not concern the medical science just to know whether you are competent or not, and so will whoever this business is gonna be."
I looked at him trying to comprehend what he was saying
"Shahista! You have the upper hand here, he is coming to your hospital. He knows, you are just a PG student. Just be yourself"
"That's it?", said I.
"Ofcourse! Are you confident that you as a postgraduate student is competent enough?"
I nodded.
"Done! Your interview is over you have nothing to worry about!", said bhaiyaan,
"You study a bit and then we will practice!. I can ask you questions which i think might help you", said bhaiyaan getting up.
"Okay!", said I meekly and started studying about his research in detail. I also practiced a bit about introducing myself and how i will be an asset to Dr Hudson. The more i practiced the more confidence i gained!
After about an hour and a half bhaiyaan came from his room, "done? Let's practice!",
He sat opposite to me and grabbed my resume and asked me ask kind of questions. His questions weren't technical one. He simply asked why me? And why did i choose to do this even if its not a part of my course. I answered them in best possible way, explaining to him.
After a lot of questions he finally, "i am convinced! I don't know what this is! But i will surely put my money in it, and my trust in you.", he said.
I grinned at him.
"You did good! You are a good speaker !", he got up and patted me head.
I smiled sat him, and took the file from his hand.
"Come let's have dinner!", said he.
I nodded and said, "let me just keep this!"
I went upstairs to keep the file, and came down to see bhaiyaan setting up the table.
"Come On!", he said and sat on it.
I went and sat across bhaiyaan still a l bit nervous
We are in silence, and after the meal i cleared up and and then went to my room.
As i laid down on my bed, i couldn't help but think about tomorrow. The session with bhaiyaan had really helped me, but i was still nervous. He was my brother, so i could answer very well infront of a renowned researcher! And i don't know who would be coming tomorrow as the sponsors, probably some middle aged strict looking businessman, i wasn't sure i would be able to speak confidently infront of him.
With these thoughts swirling in my mind, i fell asleep.

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