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"Ring!", "Ring!" , my alarm rang, i woke up rumbling me eyes, my hands instinctively went towards my side table, trying to shut off the alarm. After having successfully done that, i quickly got up, so that i didn't go to sleep again. I proceeded towards the bathroom to take a quick bath and get dressed. I came out of the bathroom, put on some clean clothes, combed my hair and grabbed my purse and went downstairs.
I saw bhaiyaan had already left, i sighed to myself, i have to ask him to work less. With all this burden plus my responsibility he is clearly over straining himself. Anyways i grabbed some breakfast , locked the room and made my way towards the bus stand. There standing at a distance was Zesmina, she waved at me and I waved back.
The bus pulled over soon and we boarded it taking adjacent seats.
Once inside Zains turned towards me and says, "SO??",
"So?? What?", i asked her.
She rolled her eyes at me and said, "I want details, full details."
I sighed at her, i knew she wouldn't rest till she gets everything out of me. So i told her what happened at the party in short, about the paparazzi and how bhabhi wanted a "family" picture. Her eyes softened when she heard this and she gave my hands a quick squeeze. I also told her about how Rehaan bhaiya had smiled, but i was very careful to exclude everything about the brown eyed guy, i just couldn't get myself to speak about it, i wanted to keep it a secret.
"That's it, nothing else, ", said she.
"What else was suppose to happen maam?", i asked her indignantly
"At least something interesting!", she huffed, "damn! It was an Ahmed party , something was suppose to happen."
"Fine! We met a girl whom i thought had crush on my brother.", said i suddenly remembering sit Hatina . When she heard this her eyes lit up in concern and she looked towards me.
I had expected Zesmina to say she wasn't interested, but what she asked me was surprising, "was she beautiful?", she said.
This question was unexpected, "yea.. kind of,", said I.
"Was she very beautiful?", asked she very eagerly.
"No, why do you ask?!", said I.
  Suddenly a realisation dawned on me, "wait! Zesmina do you like bhaiyaan?"
"No ! What! Why did you even think of that?", said she quickly and turned away her head. But before she turned a away, i was quick to notice her cheeks turning red.
"Wow!"  I thought to myself, "amongst all complications that i thought my coming to Mleiah will make, my best friend falling for my brother was not one i was prepared for ."
The bus came to a halt and we got down, we then proceeded our way to the nursing home, we knew the route by heart. As we entered the familiar red and white colour building lined with patients in white linen clothes and nurses with filled and trays, i couldn't help but get a little relieved. This was my territory, this was what i was comfortable with, unlike last night's party which had really pushed me in my uncomfortable zone.
"What are you smiling at ,", asked Zesmina.
"Uh! Nothing!", said I, and continued towards our cabin.
Once we entered it, we saw all of our friends busy with work. When they say us, they greeted us and then again went back to working. Me and Zesmina quickly took our seats and without wasting any further time plunged into our work.
Pens clicked, papers rustled and hours away as we remained busy with our work. Suddenly the door flew open and in came Faruk, "woah! Guys! Do you plan to work yourselves to death, take a break we don't want any casualties here."
"Ya i guess, we could talk a break,!", said Maryam closing files.
I sighed to myself and checked my watch, it was almost 4.
"Come-on everyone, let's hit the cafeteria, and grab something to eat before we proceed towards coaching.!"  Said Faruk.
We all agree and we started to close our work for that day. After assembling my stuff, i accompanied the rest downstairs to the caféteria. As we were all walking together, Faruk shift next to me and said, "are you okay? How was the party!"  , he says softly to me.
"It was fine!", said I to him . He nodded and looked away. I looked towards him and noticed that how his eyes, were sharp in contrast with the brown eyed stranger, i had met yesterday. His eyes carried a sense of friendliness in it, not like the steel graze that that bore on the stranger's eyes. Despite this those brown eye's were way more captivating than his green eyes. Faruk's jawline look flawed infront of the rich jerk. How even he with his good looks, was not as handsome as that jerk.
Suddenly Faruk turned towards me and caught me looking at him, "What happened?" , he asked.
"Uh! Nothing!", said I, feeling embarrassed. What was wrong with me, Why was i even comparing Faruk with that stranger!, i thought to myself.
He gave me a strange look but said nothing. We went to the cafeteria, and grabbed trays of food and sat down on a table.
"So Zesmina,", started Maryam, "how was the party last night?"  She asked.
"It was okay", said I quietly, lowering my graze and concentrating on the tray of food infront of me.
"Did you met any handsome guys?", said she.
Abdul rolled his eyes at her, "you are never gonna change , will you?"
"What!", she said "it was such a huge party, they're had got to be handsome boys!"
I shook my head and says, "no they weren't! Mostly old people.", i lied ofcourse, honestly last night i met the most handsome man i have ever seen, But for some reason i wanted to keep that secret to myself. I
saw Zesmina was giving me a very sceptical look, i could say for sure she didn't buy my lie, but thankfully she didn't say anything.
We quickly finished our food, and proceed for coaching.
The coaching ended at 7:00, it went uneventful, after which me and Zesmina took the bus back to Mleiah. The bus ride was silent, we reached MLEIAH in time, i got down and turned Zesmina and said, "you know! I never thank you enough for what you have do for me always!" 
"Oh come on! Shahista! Now done get emotional!", she said waving her hands.
"No i am not!", said I, "i just wanna say that.. i always remember if you ever need me, my home is your home," I continued.
She looked at me with so much emotion in her eyes that it was difficult to comprehend, she just smiled and said quietly, "i will!"
I hugged her and then parted ways.
I reached my home quickly after that, and as i was proceeding to the front gate i smelled something delicious.
"Wow! ", said I too myself.
I knocked on the gate and heard a voice from inside that said, "Come in!"
I followed it and entered the house. The first thing that saw was my brother in the middle of the room wearing a chef's hat with spatula a in one hand and sauce pan in another.
Before i could say anything he started, "My lady! as a token of making up for what you have been through, i have cooked a special meal of Indian delicacies here!", he said and pointed to a table set nicely for two which had favourite dishes on it, "and!", he continued, "i have your favourite TV shows right over there!", he said pointing at the huge plasma TV that stood opposite to the table. It had a reality show which i used to watch a lot when back in India.
"Wow!", said I "That is a beautiful surprise!"
"Just like you!", said bhaiyaan and dramatically took a thank you bow.
I laughed and throw a cushion on him, he dodged it and laughed back.
And then we proceeded to the table to attack food. I slipped in opposite bhaiyaan and sighed taking a bite if the food, it was amazing. I looked up at bhaiyaan who was smiling looking at my expression , i smiled back and then our attention shifted to TV as Bhaiyaan increases is volume.
I don't know what it was seeing him cracking jokes or the food, but for the first time since the last few months i was not regretting my decision of coming to Mleiha ....!

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