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Meanwhile i was left with Zesmina on the pavement. I remembered this was the first time that we were alone after our fight on the bus. I wanted to apologise for it but before i could say anything Zesmina spoke, "i know you want to apologise, but you don't have to. Okay? Just forget about it! Right now we have bigger things to look to, let's go to your house and i will help you get dressed for the awesome party."
She said everything in one go, and i was relieved after hearing that she wasn't angry with me. I didn't knew what to reply, so i just hugged her.
She laughed and hugged me back tightly.
"Come On now! Don't get emotional! Tears are gonna ruin your face and you have to look best tonight.", said her.
I nodded at her and wiped my face, surely few tears had started to form on it.
"Your want me to drive", asked she.
"That would be good!", said I and nodded at her.
We walked to wear bhaiyaan's car was parked and sat inside it.
Zesmina started the engine and the car zoomed to life.
"So you wanna talk about it!", asked her softly.
I nodded my head, i wasn't very keen to talk about it, but i knew telling Zesmina would help me lessen my burden. So i told her everything about my father and brother's surprise visit,  the party and how my father said he would introduce me as her daughter, the last part made me almost tear up, but i someone held myself together.
"Don't worry sweetheart !, you just enjoy the party yourself., and don't care about anyone else., if your start getting bored text me or call me active."
I nodded at her mentally thanking her again.
We reached our house, and i got down while Zesmina went to park the car. I looked around the house, still no sign of bhabhi, i sighed to myself as expected nobody cared to check on me.
Zesmina came from the garage and together we entered the house. The house was empty, no-one was there.
"Come On! Let's go to your room and get your dressed up."
I nodded and followed her, where was bhaiyaan he was supposed to complete his job early today and we both were suppose to go the party together.
"Shahista ! Come on!", shouted Zesmina from above.
"Coming!" said I. When i went upstairs and entered the room, i got a shock Zesmina has already raided my cupboard, and was dejectedly throwing gowns on the bed.
"Nope! Nope !", said she rejecting the dressed one by one, "definitely not!", she carried on and soon reached the end of the pile.
"What it this!", said Zesmina, "you didn't bring a single piece of your beautiful gowns in India."
I picked up a gown it was light green and very pretty, "Why did you throw this? This is good!"
"Ya! It is good for a regular outing not a Ahmed party !", said she.
I looked at her, "You are impossible!", and said.
"Ya i am! But if you wanna look nice at the functions you need to deal with me being impossible, your sister in laws are gonna look really nice."
"Fine", said I , It was impossible to fight with this girl.
After thinking for some time I said, "I have few other clothes, but..", said I.
"But What!", "show me what other clothes you have!"
I sighed and led her downstairs to a room, the room was located at the far end of the corridor. It was closed but not locked,  as soon as i pushed the doors opened. We went inside and saw that the room hadn't changed at all since the last time i saw it, years ago. The very same four poster bed was there in the middle of the room, the lacy curtains still hung on the window and the room was decorated with vintage furniture.
"Wow!", said Zesmina,  soon as she entered the room. "It's So beautifully decorated,!"
I smiled at her and said, "Yes it is! This was my mom's room, after her death my father didn't brought many changes to this room as he wanted to leave things the way it was when she was here."
Zesmina nodded grey head looking around in awe, "its amazing!", she examined again.
I smiled at her again and left her staring at the beautiful craving that covered the whole wall. I made my way to the corner of a room an opened an old cupboard. As soon as i opened it, i coughed up because of its was really dusty. There few old suits that were hung in the cupboard, i pushed them aside to reveal a small trunk at the back of the cupboard. I wiped out the dust layered on the top of the closet and opened it up.
There lay piles of few off my mom's old clothes. Despite being old, the housemaids, washed them up regularly, so it was clean. I pulled out a white gown, it was absolutely stunning to look at, it was white with embroidery of blue vines all over the dress. It has long sleeves, with a sweetheart neckline, and that met around the neck region.
"Wow!", said Zesmina with her mouth hanging open, "that is just gorgeous! Girl!"
I smiled at her, "thanks! This was my mother's!"
"Oh!, You still have your mother's clothes?", asked her.
"No most of them were given out! Dad kept a few though!", said I. Actually i lied, it was I who had requested dad to keep a few of mom dresses, because 4 year old me wanted to wear them and had created a huge tantrum. So dad had saved few dresses, with the thought that i would be able to wear them when i grow old.
"Earth to Shahista! Wake up! Let's get started and get you in the awesome dress!", said Zesmina clapping her hands in glee together.
I nodded and quickly closed the trunk, the closet and locked the room as me and Zesmina moved out. We went to our room where i went to the bathroom and changed my dress. The new dresses fitted me perfectly, it was just my size. I walked out of the bathroom, and Zesmina said, "darn! You look just gorgeous girl! Come let's get your makeup and hair done."
"Is it necessary ?", i asked her. She gave me an annoyed look, so i knew there were no fighting with her.
Sure did my make up, and i almost fought with her to keep it light. Rest she just clipped up my hair, my hair was naturally straight and wavy and i liked the way it naturally fell from my shoulders.
After completing everything, which took a lot of time, to my dislike. I went to the mirror and saw myself, "wow! I really look good! Your have changed me completely!", said I to her.
"Rubbish! You always look good, i just enhanced it!", said Zesmina.
"Now go quickly otherwise you would be late for that party!", said Zesmina.

I nodded and looked around for my purse, to call bhaiyaan, before i could do it, the bell rang.
"Ting Tong!", "That must be bhaiyaan!", said I. "Don't worry! Your relax! I will get that!", said Zesmina hurriedly and went to open the door. I sat there staring at my silhouette in the mirror, i really looked beautiful but it didn't boost my confidence at all for tonight.
"Hey dear!", said a voice from behind. I turned and saw bhaiyaan wearing a expensive looking tuxedo , looking at me with wide eyes.
"You look absolutely beautiful dear!", said he and kissed me on the forehead. "Thank you bhaiyaan", said I, "And you also look very handsome.", I continued.
He laughed at me and said, "Come On! Let's go!" I nodded and turned to Zesmina said, "you will be able to go home na?".
"Ya don't you worry! I have already booked a cab!", said her.
"I nodded! That's good!", said I.
We all the then went downstairs, and outside the gate . Bhaiyaan locked the door and said, "Wait here! I am gonna being the car!", he then left to bring the car. I stood alone with Zesmina outside the house, she turned towards me and said, "You know shahista ! I have never seen your mother, but what i have seen from the pictures, you look exactly like her!", she said softly. I stood there stunned at her words, somehow i knew she was saying the truth but i didn't wanted to accept it as it was to painful. But hearing my bestfriend speak it out for me, i realised how undeniable it was.
"Honk! Honk!". Bhaiyaan brought the car to where we were standing and opened the passenger door for me. I bid Zesmina goodbye and climbed inside the passenger seat next to bhaiyaan.

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