Chapter 1

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Hi! I won't bother you for too long so you can read, but an important thing to add: This takes place after Aithusa. Yes, Morgana is evil. Yes, Merlin's magic is a secret. Yes, Uther is dead, and the knights of the round table are here! Woohoo! And finally, no, this story will not be focused completely on relationships (but there may be something here and there).

"Merlin!" Arthur's shouts rebounded through the castle hallways.

Merlin, still half asleep on his small bed in Gauis' chambers, groaned and put his pillow on his face. Maybe if he pretended that he couldn't hear him, he wouldn't have to get up to serve 'His Royal Prattness'. Merlin slowly started drifting off to sleep, thankful for the silence that followed his name, then heard Arthur shout once again.

"Merlin, if you don't get yourself over here then I'm getting Gwaine to wake you up!" At that, Merlin practically threw himself off the bed, not wanting the overly-friendly knight to douse him with a bucket of water again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't get Gwaine!" Merlin yelled back. "Give me a minute! Jeez." The warlock grumbled under his breath as he made his way to the door. 

As the young servant made his way through the kitchen, he grabbed a piece of bread, stuck it in his mouth, then grabbed the King's breakfast and hurried to his master's chambers. Holding Arthur's breakfast in one hand and opening the large wooden doors with the other, Merlin squeezed his way into the large room.

"You're dressed!" Merlin exclaimed.

A snarky answer came from the other side of the chambers. "Well yes I am, Merlin, how very observant of you." The king was sitting behind his desk, his feet propped up in front of him, clearly annoyed.

"Ohhh," Merlin said with a small smirk, "You are never in a good mood before breakfast are you?" As Arthur glared at his servant, Merlin couldn't help but smile at him, the euphoria of Aithusa hatching the night prior hadn't quite left him.

"What are you smiling about Merlin?"

"Just happy today, sire." Came Merlin's reply.

"Oh no, well we can't have that, can we?" Said Arthur mockingly. "Maybe we should go on a hunting trip, that'll help." Arthur smiled evilly as Merlin's face fell slightly. "Go get the knights. We will leave at noon."

"Of course, Sire," Merlin grumbled with an overly-exaggerated bow, before turning and walking out of the King's chambers, muttering under his breath. Arthur grinned cheerfully behind him, clearly happy about annoying his friend.

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