Chapter 11

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Let's continue the story, shall we? We shall.

  After Merlin did all his chores, it was finally time for the 'special announcement' as Arthur called it. The whole day Merlin was trying to figure out what it was, but Arthur kept it a secret.

"You will find out later, like everyone else." The prat would say, much to Merin's discontent. 

Finally, after hours of Arthur yelling at his servant to stop asking about it, he sent him from his chambers, telling him to get himself ready.

*Time Skip*

Merlin stood off to the side of the throne room, with Gaius by his side. Looking around, he saw the knights, councillors, advisors, and pretty much anyone of importance.

Merlin leaned closer to Gaius and asked quietly "Do you know what this is about? Why are there so many people here?"

"Merlin, I would advise you to stop asking, and just listen. It could help you figure it out yourself." At this, Merlin rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Arthur, who had already started his announcement.

"-A very special occasion today. I will be giving a long-awaited title to someone who has been very loyal to me and has stayed by my side through even the hardest times." Arthur turned to Merlin. "Merlin, can you please join me up here?"

Merlin felt his jaw drop, then quickly shook himself out of his initial shock, and walked up to Arthur, stopping in front of him, back to the crowd. Arthur looked at him.

"We are gathered here today for me to bestow two very special roles to my manservant, Merlin. First, is something that we have been meaning to give you for a while, which is the official Physician's Apprentice role." Merlin turned and smiled widely at Gaius, who beamed back at him. "And the second role is one that my late father wouldn't have approved of, but Merlin here has definitely earned it. Merlin," Arthur's eyes turned from the crowd to look at Merlin's. "Do you accept your role as personal advisor to the king, as well as physician's apprentice?"

Merlin felt his jaw try to reach the floor once again, then smirked at the king. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" Merlin asked quietly, so only Arthur could hear his snarky comment.

Arthur grimaced back at him. "No, you do not." He said through his teeth.

Merlin nodded. "I accept."

Arthur turned and addressed the crowd. "There will be a feast tonight to celebrate. You are all dismissed." The crowd turned to leave, and Merlin couldn't help but smile widely at Arthur.

"I-I..." Merlin stuttered, "thank you."

Arthur smiled and slapped his back. "Of course. But this doesn't mean you are relieved of your manservant duties." He said.

Merlin groaned, then stood up straight, realizing something. "Gaius!" he called after the elderly man who was leaving the room. Gaius turned.

"Yes, Merlin?"

Merlin couldn't stop himself from panicking slightly, his heart beating faster and faster. "Who's with Alara?" He asked worriedly.

"I left her with Gwen. Don't worry, Merlin. I'm going right now to check on her. Now go enjoy yourself, alright? The feast is in a couple of hours I believe."

"Thank you, Gaius." Merlin sighed with relief, but a bit of guilt still crept in his heart for almost forgetting that his twin was in the castle and needed to be cared for.

"Merlin!" Arthur's voice cut into Merlin's thoughts "Come on, I need to get ready for the feast."

Merlin quickly jogged to catch up with his master. "Why do I have to help you get ready for my feast? How is that fair?" Merlin whined.

"Well, Merlin, I'm the king, and you are a servant. So it doesn't have to be fair." Merlin groaned and followed his master into his giant chambers.

Ok, so another chapter is done! This story is going to be longer then I thought, but that's fine. See you next chapter.

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