Chapter 9

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Merlin was lying in his bed when he heard his name.

"Merlin?" asked a soft voice. Merlin's sat up, rubbing his bleary eyes, trying to figure out who the voice belonged to. When his vision sharpened, he gasped, tears making his eyes blurry once again. Surprise and intense happiness filled Merlin's heart.

"Alara?" Asked Merlin, looking at his twin who was standing next to his bead with a big smile, showing off her white teeth. His twin nodded, seeming to not be able to talk at the moment and giving him the biggest hug ever.

Merlin sunk into his sister's embrace, crying freely now along with her. After a happy couple minutes, Merlin pulled himself back to look at his twin. She seemed healthy as if she wasn't even in a coma just the night before.

"It's really you?" He asked when he found his voice.

"Yes." Alara replied, wiping her eyes. "yes, it's really me. Gauis caught me up on the past years, Merlin. I.. I'm so sorry for leaving you like that." She said, beginning to cry again.

"It isn't your fault, Alara, don't think that," Merlin told her sternly "The fault belongs to the man who pushed you, and him alone." 

Alara sniffed. "I know, I know." She looked at him and smiled. "I missed you so much."

"And I missed you." Merlin smiled back. 

"Now," Alara began, using a responsible tone that she was well-known for. "I hear you have a king to tend to?" She asked, smirking.

Merlin rolled his eyes and told his sister "More like a prat than a king."

"Merlin!" She laughed, "Come on, get up! I'll come with you."

Merlin grumbled but complied, getting out of his bed and grabbing his shoes, putting them on.

"Alara, when did you wake up? Why didn't anyone wake me?" Merlin asked.

Alara looked at him sheepishly and said, "I asked them to let you sleep, I heard that you had quite the day." She explained. "Also, I wanted to figure myself out first so I wasn't a mess while talking to you. It was really disorienting when I woke up, so I was kind of freaking out. I didn't want you to see me like that, you've worried enough about me these past years."

Merlin smiled, remembering how selfless his sister was. "Alright, good point. Now, why don't we go wake up King prat?" he said.

"Of course! I'm excited!" Alara exclaimed.

Merlin brought his sister on his daily route through the castle: The armoury, seamstress, and then the kitchens, finally ending with Arthur's chambers. They pushed open the doors together, not bothering to knock.

"Arthur?" called Merlin. No answer. "He must be in the training field." Merlin reasoned after seeing the king's empty bed. On the way out of the King's chambers to go check the field, Merlin tripped over his feet, like the clumsy person he was, and Arthur's armour went flying, knocking a torch into the King's bedsheets, catching them on fire instantly.

"Oh god!" Merlin muttered, "Um.." he said, looking around, eyes settling on a couple of buckets of water in the corner. Merlin's eyes flashed gold, and the bucket went soaring through the air, magically pouring cold water onto the burning sheets. Merlin smiled as he saw his sister doing the same thing, eyes flashing gold as well.

They both sighed as the fire sputtered out, leaving soggy, burned sheets on the bed. A clattering was heard behind them, and the twins turned in unison, eyes going wide with fear as an angry Arthur advanced on them, sword in hand, eyes looking murderous.

Oh No! What's gonna happen!!?!?!? I am evil :)


(That's right! you didn't think Alara would just wake up majestically, did you? Bwahaha)

Gauis was tending to Alara when he heard screaming. He looked at Arthur, who ran into Merlin's bedroom, seeing what the sleeping warlock was yelling about, Gaius right behind him. They both paled when they saw Merlin thrashing in his bed, screaming and crying.

"No! Arthur, please, it isn't what it looks like! Please!" he sobbed, still asleep, "Please, I'm sorry! don't kill her! Noooo! Arthur what did you do? why? Alara never did anything to you! Don't hurt me." He whimpered, breaking the King's heart.

Arthur ran over to his sobbing friend, shaking his shoulders. 

"Merlin! Wake up! It's just a dream! Alara is ok! I promise." Arthur said. "Merlin! Wake up!"

Merlin gasped, opening his eyes which were red from crying. He looked at Arthur and screamed.

"No! I'm sorry!" The warlock sobbed "I'm so sorry." Arthur took Merlin's shoulders, looking into his friend's frightened eyes.

"Merlin, I'm not going to hurt you, ok? Calm. Down." he ordered. "It was a dream. Alara is  safe, she is in the other room, sleeping."

"Sleeping? I thought she was awake?" Merlin asked confused, voice scratchy from crying.

Arthur looked at him with sad eyes. "No, Merlin, she hasn't woken up. She is still in a coma."

"But... She was awake! She came to your chambers with me!" Merlin protested.

Gaius looked at Merlin. "I'm sorry my boy, that was a dream. She hasn't woken up." The old physician said. Tears streamed down Merlin's face.

"Oh," He said. "I'm sorry..." he stammered, "I-I didn't know. I thought-"

"It's alright, Merlin. I'm going to get you some breakfast, ok?" Merlin nodded at Gaius.

Arthur sat on the end of Merlin's bed, looking at his servant with concern.

"You alright?" Arthur asked. Merlin nodded. "You know I would never kill your sister, right?"

Merlin nodded again and said quietly. "I know, It was just a nightmare."

"Of course. Just... you know you can tell me everything, right?" Arthur assured him. "I promise I won't kill you, or your sister. It doesn't matter what it is."

Merlin's head snapped up to look at his master- no, friend. 

"Arthur," Merlin began, taking a deep breath. "There... actually is something I want to tell you about. Just, don't hate me, ok?"

"Of course, Merlin, anything."

At that, Merlin took a deep breath and began.

And... I'm leaving it there for now. hahaha, you'll have to wait to see what he says! Onto the next chapter!

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