Chapter 10

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"Arthur," Merlin began, taking a deep breath. "There... actually is something I want to tell you about. Just, don't hate me, ok?"

"Of course, Merlin, anything."

At that, Merlin took a deep breath and began.

"So, umm... Well, I just want to say first that I am your friend, and I was never. evil. I'm still not. Although I guess there was one time that I was evil, it doesn't really count, though. It was Morgana's fault. But I never ever want to hurt you, and me telling you this doesn't change the fact that I am still the person you know, and-" Merlin rambled, Arthur, cutting him off with an annoyed huff. 


"Yes, Arthur...?"

Arthur stared at Merlin with a blank expression. "Is this about your magic?"

Merlin's eyes grew wide with shock. "How did you... When... How... Why didn't you kill me?" Merlin asked sputtering.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted, upset. "I would never kill you! Don't ever think that! And for how I knew..." Arthur smiled. "I didn't really know."

Merlin blanched "But..."

"Well, I was pretty sure you had magic but wasn't positive. Until now, that is." The King smiled

"You don't seem mad." Merlin pointed out, still in shock.

"Well, I was at first a bit, when I started to suspect, but then I watched you a bit closer and realized how loyal you really are." Arthur stared into Merlin's eyes, face serious. "And you really are so loyal. And I can't... I can't thank you enough." Arthur winced.

Merlin laughed at him. "You really have trouble being nice, don't you? Such a dollophead."

"Hey! You're still my servant you know! No insulting the king!"

"Oh, I am so sorry," Merlin said with mock sincerity, "I will not tease you ever again, my Lord."

"Good, I look forward. Although Merlin," Arthur said, tone turning serious "Don't lie to me about something like that ever. Again. Do you hear?"

Merlin nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to lie, I just didn't want you to have to deal with all it. And then with your father, I thought..."

"It's alright, Merlin. And thank you."

"Wow! 2 thank yous in one day! I must be dreaming."

"I assure you, it's not a dream. Not even you could be this annoying while you're asleep." Arthur teased back. The king got up and clapped Merlin on the shoulder. "On another matter, we have a banquet today for a special announcement, and I need you to clean my clothes, polish my armour, and come and get me some lunch. So, get up."

Merlin groaned and lifted himself from his bed.

I was going to make the story 10 chapters, but I think I will do a bit more, so keep reading! (or wait until I update!)  :)

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