Chapter 7

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I do not like writing disclaimers. Just saying. Okay, onto the next chapter! Enjoy it!

Merlin was the first to wake, excited - yet still nervous - to see his sister. It had definitely been a while since he last saw her in person, which made him feel a bit guilty. He lay on his back, not quite ready to get up when a noise jolted him awake. A loud banging could be heard next door - next door, where Alara was! Merlin realized.

He jumped to his feet, realizing that the knights all jumped up as well, all of them grabbing their swords from the ground next to them. After a quick glance at Arthur, Merlin rushed towards the sound, the other knights following close behind. 

As the knights rushed outside, Merlin silently pushed open the door hidden in the wall - the door that would lead to his comatose sister - and slipped in, not ready to have his friends meet his sister yet, especially since he had a pretty good guess of who was causing the racket.

There, on a small cot in the middle of the small, humid room was Alara. She lay convulsing on top of the thin sheets, wearing a simple brown dress that reached her ankle. Her skin - just as pale as Merlin's - glistened with sweat and tears as their mother and the village healer tried to hold her down as gently as possible.

When Merlin saw his sweaty, comatose sister, he felt a tear slide down his cheek. She didn't deserve this. She was such a kind-hearted person. He couldn't understand why that old man had to hurt her. He was glad that he never saw the man again because he would have to kill him for what he had done. Merlin slid his back down the wall.

"She deserves so much more than this." He whispered, trying not to cry. That's when the knights barged in. Well, barged might be a strong term really. Arthur saw Merlin go in the hidden room and opened the door slowly, as to not disturb the upset boy. After taking a glance at the scene in front of him, the King motioned for his knights to wait outside and then he promptly sat down next to Merlin, putting a strong hand on his friend's shaking shoulder.

Merlin wiped his eyes and looked at the King sitting next to him. His heart warmed when he saw that Arthur was trying to comfort him. His master had come a long way.

"C'mon Merlin," Arthur said, pretending to sound impatient, "We have to get back to Camelot." Merlin nodded and went up to his mother, who thankfully didn't have to hold Alara down, as the fit had stopped. 

"Mother, how are we supposed to transport her? She surely can't go on a horse." Merlin reasoned.

"We have a wagon with everything you will need." His mother told him, "but someone will need to stay in the wagon with her so she doesn't fall or get hurt. let me get her fixed up and washed and then you can head on your way. Could you make some breakfast for everyone?" She asked

"Of course" Merlin replied, following Arthur out of the room.

Sorry to end the chapter like that, but I didn't want to describe their breakfast or anything, so... ya. See you next chapter!

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