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At the end of the day Bakugou stayed after class. Deku decided to spy in the shadows. Aizawa came in and glared at Bakugou. “Do you care to tell me what happened during lunch?” Deku could have sworn that Bakugou shrank under Eraser's gaze. “Nothing happened.” He said, “That’s bullshit.” Bakugou shifted uncomfortably. “Don’t think when I told you to see me after class I didn’t see Midoriya's bruised nose under the makeup he put on.” Deku was surprised, he thought he did a pretty good job. Bakugou froze. Deku could have sworn he saw sweat drip from Bakugou. Deku glances at the clock and mentally curses. He quickly left and appeared by the UA gate.

He walked for 5 minutes before he met up with Shinsou in an alley. “Hey Deku. You ok?” Shinsou asked, still worried for his friend. Deku nodded. “You wanna go out tonight?” Shinsou asked. “That could be fun. I have someone I need to kill anyway.” Shinsou tilted his head, “Who?” “There’s this pervert grape. He was expelled already.” He nodded.

The 2 went to the bar. “Hey. How did your first day go?” Dabi asked as the 2 walked in. “It was pretty shitty” Deku said as he grabbed the whisky bottle labeled “Dekus! Don’t touch!” He uncapped it and took a mouth full. Kurogiri tossed Shinsou a beer. He caught it and quickly opened it. “What he said.” Shinsou said as he took a gulp from his beer. “Well what happened?” Dabi asked curiously. “Well, my teacher is THE Eraser Head, Katsuki is in my class, Shinsou and I can’t talk at school, and I couldn't use my quirks.” Dabi nodded, “That's fair. But you shouldn't be so pissed about your quirks. Did something happened?” Deku sighed and grabbed a wipe. He quickly wiped off the makeup he put on his nose, showing a blue nose. “Jesus fucking christ! Your nose looks broken!” Dabi ran over quickly and grabbed Dekus face. He moved it side to side, seeing if he could find any other injuries.

10 minutes later Deku was patched up. He had a nose brace on (Like a white band-aid on nose), and now he was getting a lecture from Dabi on how easily he could have pummeled him. Deku was told to hold an ice pack to his nose. Dabi and Shigaraki were overly protective of Deku since he joined. They all like family, and to the 2, Deku was a little brother. He was just glad Shigaraki was out. Currently Dabi was walking back and forth, “I’m gonna kill that bastard! I swear when I find him I’m gonna burn him into next year!” Deku and Shinsou just sat back and waited for Dabis' small tantrum to calm down.

---Time skip to night---

Shinsou and Deku were on a roof. Deku was double scanning and triple scanning the area. Thats until he saw it, the purple balled haired creep. He nudged Shinsou, “Down there,” He pointed at him. Shinsou nodded. The 2 jumped over rooftops to get there. They were directly over him. Shinnsou adjusted his mask to sound like a girl and put it on. “Hey,” Shinsou said. Mineta turned around, “Hello?” Shinsou turned to Deku and made an explosion gesture with his hands. He took off his mask, “Walk to the forest,” Mineta started to walk out of the city and into the forest. The 2 followed him by jumping rooftops. When he made it to the forest Deku hopped down. Mineta was still in a trance so he stood perfectly still while Deku killed him. Once they were done, the 2 tossed his corpse in the middle of a street and headed off.

“So… You told Eraser about Katsuki?” Deku asked as the 2 sat on a rooftop looking at the stars. “Yeah. But what was I supposed to do? Dude, you have a fractured nose and you stuttered for the first time in months.” Deku smiled at Shinsous over protectiveness, “What are you, my mom?” He said jokingly and punched Shinsou in the shoulder. “Ow. Come on man.” Shinsou laughed while rubbing where Deku punched him. Deku laughed with him, “What did you tell Eraser?” He said while cocking his head, “Oh, I said I saw a spiky yellow haired boy punching another boy with green curly hair. I was really worried so when the bell rang I found him in the halls and told him. He looked pissed and ran off to 1-A.” Shinsou explained, “I plan on ‘checking back in to see how the boy’s doin’ tomorrow before class.” Deku nodded. The two sat there in silence, and it wasn’t awkward or suffocating, it was nice, peaceful.

---Next day---

Deku and Shinsou left the bar at the same time, but both split at the train station. Shinsou arrived at UA 20 minutes before the bell. He walked around for about 5 minutes until he spotted Aizawa. He walked up and tapped his shoulder. Aizawa turned around and looked at Shinsou. “Hey Shinsou. Did you need something?” He asked as he took a long drink from his coffee cup. “Uh, yeah actually. I was wondering if that boy from yesterday was okay. I didn’t really see him afterwards.” Shinsou said, eyes glued to his shoes. Aizawa nodded, “I think he’s fine. I talked to Bakugou. If you want I can pull you two for lunch and you can ask him yourself.” Shinsou looked up, “Really? You would do that?” Aizawa shrugged, “That would be great,” Shinsou beamed, “Thank you so much.” Aizawa smiled softly (Which is rare) “No problem. So, I’ll see you at lunch?” Shinsou nodded. “Ok then. Better get to class.” And with that Shinsou ran off to class. “I can’t believe that worked!” He thought to himself.

Deku was in class when the first bell rang. Everyone came in and some of them noticed Dekus new accessory. He was getting questions asked left and right, “What happened?” “Why do you have that on your nose?” “Why does your nose look like it’s broken?” Dekus head hurt but he just smiled and denied anything people said happened and insisted that he fell. He softly sighed in relief when Aizawa entered the room. “Let’s start class.”

--End of class--

Aizawa walked up to Deku, “Lunch with me.” Deku was freaking out on the inside, “Oh god! Did he find out!?” On the outside he was calm and slowly nodded his head “You're not in trouble.” Aizawa said, “Come on.” He left the room and Deku followed quickly.

Deku was sitting in an empty room with a couch. “Wait here.” Aizawa said as he left. Deku looked around. There wasn’t that much in the room besides a few potted plants and photos. The door was opened again and Aizawa walked in with someone.
“Shinsou, meet Izuku Midoriya.”

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