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the show finally came to an end. seungmin and jisung went up to the middle of the stage and bowed. it was their seventh show in that year. after graduating high school, both seungmin and jisung had done everything they could to be recognized in the music scene.

it was much easier when they both got into university since they already had a following since high school. the day they were signed in a company was also the day hyunjin asked seungmin to be his boyfriend.

they had met a lot more other artists along the way. one being christopher bang, a solo artist who was crazy amazing with the music that he made. jisung was really fond of him, and had collaborated for one song so far.

seungmin gave his mic to the tech and greeted hyunjin at the backstage. jisung gave him a small punch on the arm before heading off to find felix, who was probably in the dressing room playing videogames again.

"that was really good," hyunjin said, smiling at seungmin. "you guys are improving day by day and i won't be surprised if you make it really big, like, worldwide big!"

seungmin laughed. "that's a big ambition, jinnie," he said. "i think i'm okay with this for now."

"i still think you deserve more," hyunjin smirked. "and with jisung? no one can resist that guy!"

seungmin nodded. "you're not wrong with that. the crowd loves him, and i don't think he's even tired yet."

they both headed back towards the dressing room where felix and jisung were seated at the couch, both focused on whatever game felix had on his phone. minho was adjacent to the two, sipping on iced americano while jisung's legs were propped on his lap.

"hey gays," minho greeted, without looking up.

"says you," seungmin laughed. "how was it?"

"i think that was my favorite show so far," minho said, giving him a thumbs up. "though i think you might have to make your sets longer so the energy of this guy over here would be at level zero at the end." minho patted jisung's leg.

"what do you expect from the human version of pikachu?" hyunjin smiled. "anyway, we should probably pack up and eat. if jisung's energy tank isn't at zero yet, mine is."


that same night, hyunjin chose to bring seungmin out to the han river park. it was peaceful at around elevem in the evening, considering the lack of people and cars.

they stood almost at the edge, looking as the river's water flowed continuously in the dark of the night. seungmin was exhausted from the consecutive shows he and jisung had done around seoul, but this was the first time he had alone time with hyunjin so he didn't mind.

"here we are," hyunjin said, putting an arm around seungmin's shoulders. "it's peaceful, isn't it?"

seungmin nodded. the darkness that surrounded them did seem peaceful, and the only light they had was from the moon. the wind blew, making seungmin take in a deep breath.

"why'd you bring me here, jinnie?" seungmin asked, turning his head towards hyunjin who was still staring at the river.

there was a pause, and then hyunjin said, "because i wanted to tell you something i never did throughout the years we've been together."

"okay, go on," seungmin prompted.

it was hyunjin's turn to take a deep breath. "you know how weird it is to actually be convinced that two people are meant for each other?" he asked.

"you're convinced we're meant for each other then?" seungmin laughed. it was cheesy, and seungmin wasn't used to it at all. he was about to say something else when hyunjin spoke again.

"minnie, i've dreamt about a boy with the same name as you but i don't recall his face," he started. another pause. "it happened way back in high school. remember that day we met?"

"detention, right?" seungmin laughed at the memory.

"yeah," hyunjin nodded. "remember when i told you someone said 'smooth seas don't make good sailors'?"

and then it all came flashing back in seungmin's mind. his dream about meeting a boy named hyunjin who liked to smoke and was angry most of the time. the friend that hyunjin had who was always so worried about him. seungmin couldn't even remember the boy's name anymore.

but the worst came back as well. it was when he found out that that hyunjin had murdered his parents. seungmin took another deep breath, uncomfy of the sudden flashback of the dream he once had. he would rather call it a nightmare.

"that boy named seungmin told was the one who told me that," hyunjin said. "i just remembered it recently and it's weird because that's been years back. it's impossible for someone to recall a dream that long."

but hyunjin was wrong. it was possible, and it happened to seungmin at that very moment. he smiled at hyunjin, stepping away for a bit to face him and hold his hands. seungmin wasn't sure what hyunjin was going to say next but he silently hoped that hyunjin was wrong. that the boy in his dream wasn't named seungmin. because if it was...

"and my parents? in that dream, i remember that i killed them. i can't ever do that!" hyunjin shook his head. "it's stupid, right? you know what happened."

seungmin did. it was one of those days, as hyunjin would call it, when he opened up to seungmin about the car accident, the one that had killed his parents when he was nine. but hyunjin never went into full details about it, saying he didn't even remember much about the accident anyway.

seungmin leaned in and gave hyunjin a big hug. he was glad about so many things. hyunjin's dream may not be the same as his, he wasn't a murderer, and most of all, they didn't commit suicide together. that dream was definitely nothing but a nightmare.

"it's because of that seungmin that i believe we were meant to be with each other," hyunjin whispered. "that dream was a bad one and a good one at the same time."

"we'll be okay," seungmin said, not really knowing what else to say. the topic almost seemed so fragile that one wrong word could cause great damage. "you and i are gonna be fine."

there was a pause, and the two stayed in their position for a while—heads on each other's shoulders and arms wrapped tightly around each other. and then, hyunjin said, "minnie, i have a question."

he pulled away and cupped seungmin's cheeks. seungmin took the opportunity to look at hyunjin's dark brown eyes, though the darkness prevented him from seeing the color. he adored them. they were his favorite things about hyunjin.

seungmin couldn't help but love hyunjin. he was caring, humble, and was the most down to earth person he had met, at least, next to chan. but there was just always something about hyunjin that drew seungmin in, that made him not want to leave. he was charismatic in all ways, and was effortlessly funny.  "what is it?" seungmin asked, pecking hyunjin on the lips.

hyunjin smiled, cheeks heating up. he gave seungmin's cheeks a little squeeze before finally saying,

"you would still love me if i was a psychopath, right?"


secrets • seungjin

well uh,, haha hi don't kill me pls omg this is the original ending of the story and i know it's messed up aaaaa but at least it's new? haha,, tell me what you think :DD i hope you liked this book!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! i appreciate the comments and the votes so so much.

i also have a [new] hyunsung au !! + i'm starting to update static voices again !! ilyall i hope you continue to read my works. i love providing au content for you all!! ilysm take care

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