Chapter Eighteen

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Almost a month had passed by and Merida's relationship with Jacob hasn't changed in the slightest. She felt sure about him. Every day is a new day to love someone. Luckily, Jacob continues to love her.

"Are you all ready for the first day of our annual festival?" Their adviser asked the class.

Jacob looked back at Merida and smiled while everybody screams, "Yes!"

Leo saw that but he pretended he didn't. It was like self-harm to him. He chooses to face the pain anyway, he's just that bold.

So, what's going on on the first day? Nothing much, it's just some exhibits from different clubs. Some couple of plays and show-offs of experiments. It's just like the happenings on the first day of a 'three days intramural'.

Usually, Merida doesn't attend such event but Jacob is by her side and she thinks it's okay. Their school was so busy with still decorating even though it's the first day to have fun and relax.

Merida and Jacob went to see the booths. They were having fun participating and checking out different clubs' gimmick. On their way to the horror booth, was when someone called out Merida.

"Hey, Merida!" A girl called. It made her and Jacob look back.


"Do you mind helping us at the drama club? Someone told us you can play some keys. Our pianists backed out and it's for the play tonight," the girl told her, hopeful that Merida would agree.

"Uhm... I guess I can help."

Jacob looks at her, worried that it might be some trick for her to fall on. He raised his brows at the girl. "If she gets hurt, I'm going to hurt you." He warned that made the girl blink fast.

Merida touched Jacob's arm. "I'm going to be fine. I'll see you later at the play?"

"Yeah. I'll be there and let's enjoy the night together after the play," he muttered and kissed Merida's forehead.

They planned to spend all day together, but look at that! He wants to get mad at that girl but at the same time, he has to be happy. Merida might actually find a friend.

Jacob continues to roam around the school. Finding whatever he could find amusing.

Walking down these halls, he recalled the last few years when he was with Elise. He remembered they were walking their way to the cafeteria when someone handcuffed them together. It was when Jacob realized, she likes Elise.

He facepalmed when he snapped out from reminiscing. "Don't be stupid, Jacob. You're with Merida!" He scolded his self like crazy.

Once he made a straight mind again, he continues to walk ahead. His eyes widened when he saw who was just on his mind earlier. His mind blew off just like that... just by seeing Elise.

Jacob froze while Elise was coming through his way. She was still beautiful as always, he thought. Believe it or not, he forgot Merida that fast.

"Hi! How are you?" Elise shyly asked, tucking her hair against her ear.

Jacob snapped out. He scratched the back of his head and said nervously, "I'm super good."

Elise softly laughed and acted so shy. "I know, I wasn't supposed to be here but I wanted to see you again."

When Jacob didn't say anything she continues. "I uh... Do you want to see the exhibits like before?"

Jacob didn't know why but he pulled Elise close for a hug. He was breathing heavily, she's what he has been longing.

Brandon and Candice who saw that reunion felt satisfied. Brandon now knows, he doesn't love Merida. He was right, he was longing for someone else in Merida. Candice, on the other hand, is excited. Well later, Merida will feel the pain she felt when Brandon chose her over Candice.

"Just look at how the table had turned," Candice muttered and left Brandon.


Leo was looking for a quiet place to sleep on when he spot familiar faces not far from him. He frowned and scoffed angrily. That fudging jerk! What is he doing with- Then he remembers Brandon and Candice's plan. Jacob really is a fool.

After thoroughly observing Jacob's actions, he decided to look for Brandon.

Like the old days, Brandon is at the gymnasium. "Hey!" He greeted.

Brandon looked at him with a frown. "What do you want?"

"You just betrayed your friend. You trapped the shit out of that asshole! Are you not thinking that it'll hurt her more?" Leo roared.

Brandon faced Leo and they glared at each other intensely. "Don't you raise your voice on me! I did what's best for both of them! It'll hurt her more if she found it out later. I know Jacob will personally tell her. Wait till that time comes."

Leo exhaled sharply tossing his hair back and the forth. "You both are going to end up hurting her."

"Isn't it why you're there? To save her?" Brandon mockingly asked, sitting at the bench.

"She doesn't need to be saved. She'll fight when she gets enough of this all. You know that!" After saying that, Leo threw one last glare at Brandon before leaving.

Merida was having fun practising with the drama club. For the first time, she felt that she belonged there. Everyone was so nice and was treating her as if she wasn't ugly.

It was lunchtime when the leader told her to take a break with them. Someone bought some pizza and sodas and they indulge. For the first time, she laughed with girls. She thought her life changed so much. It's getting better and better, she thought.

And then this girl came and told everyone at the room what she saw outside. Merida froze hearing what the other girl told them.

"You okay Merida?" The girl who invited her asked.

Merida smiled nervously. "Yeah... it's just my heart is pounding. There'll be a lot of people watching later."

The girls laughed at her. "Come on! It's okay! We're all together here okay?"

Merida felt relieved at least. She flashed a smile and nodded.

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