Chapter III.i

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 That made Candice to look back and for Merida to open her eyes. Everyone was shocked at the sudden interference Jacob did.

As Jacob enters the hallway earlier, he already heard so much story about the ugly girl who bumped into Candice. There's no one that they call ugly but Merida. So he rushed to the crowd and saw Candice trapping Merida. This girl wouldn't even fight back and nobody even tried to defend her.

"Oh hey! This b***h here bumped into me and I bet she intentionally did that!" Candice yelled, so everyone hears what happened.

Jacob looked at Merida and she just looked away. He knew what could happen. If Merida did bump into Candice then he's pretty sure she never meant to.

The next thing Jacob did was take Merida's hand and pull her away from Candice. That made everyone loudly gasped. The crowd's eyes were wide locked on Jacob holding on to Merida's hand.

"We all know you Candice, so let's not lie," Jacob grunts, walking out of the crowd dragging Merida with him.

After they left, everyone who witnessed that started to whisper and Candice didn't like it at all! When they were far enough from those people, Jacob let go.

"Why didn't you fight back?" Jacob frustratingly asked with a frown.

Merida stayed quietly crying, not over the fact that Candice hurt her but at the kind act Jacob had shown her. No one has ever done this to her in a long time. It felt so new.

"You got to learn to fight back if you want to survive school," Jacob said once again.

He looked at the crying Merida and sighed. Bad timing, he forgot his handkerchief and her tears were continuously dropping. I can't keep her crying, he thought and so he pulled her for a hug.

Merida was shocked at the sudden gesture he just did. She tried to push him back but he's firmed.

"Why?" Merida asked, almost sounding like she just exhaled.

Why? Jacob doesn't know either. He doesn't know why he's acting like that. He doesn't know why he tries to see something out from this girl. Why?

"It seemed like I found a one of a kind beauty in you. It's so fragile that I want to box it away from the world. The cruel world and insensitive people living in it, they don't deserve you," he replied.

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