Chapter Twenty Nine

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Weeks had passed and the season was about to change again. The ball and graduation were just a week away and it's driving everybody crazy.

Merida soon noticed that Leo was avoiding being with her more now than before. Somewhat it's just too new to her and it pains her.

One afternoon she decided to look for Leo someplace where he would be sleeping. She thought hard about it and finally found the place. On the third bench at the school ground was the biggest Narra tree and there under it was Leo. Merida sat down and lay with him.

"Why are you here? Hasn't class started yet?" He asked her, his eyes still closed.

"I should ask you the same question." Merida's facial expression hardened. "Say, are you mad at me because I'm spending time with Jacob?"

Leo opened his eyes and turned sideways to look at Merida. He plastered a flattering smile. "I'm envy but I'm happy you learned to forgive."

"If you don't like me being too close to him, tell me. I don't like how you are avoiding me." Her voice filled with sadness.

Then all of a sudden Leo pinched Merida's cheek.

"Awe!" Merida yells.

Leo laughed and Merida hid her smile with a grumpy face. "You're so adorable."

"I'm serious!" She shouts and pouted.

Leo moves closer to hug Merida. They're both ditching class, how awesome!

"Don't stop befriending him. It's a good thing," he told her. Merida looked up at him and Leo stared the same.

"You're becoming more handsome and handsome," she stated and then giggles.

A bright idea crossed Leo's head. "Do you want to go sailing with me tomorrow?"

Merida's eyes brightened up and she nodded. "Yes, I miss spending time with the lion cub! I'll make some egg rolls."

"Hmm... that's yummy."


Time flew too fast and it was tomorrow, Saturday. The rest of the group wanted to come but then Merida wanted time alone with Leo. Finally, they get to go sailing.

When she heard a knock on the door, she thought it was Leo but then it was Jacob.

"Uhm... you going somewhere?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah... Me and Leo are going to go sailing," she answered. The moment she mentioned Leo, she saw Jacob's expression changed.

He faked a smile. "Well, you two have fun." He started to walk towards the gate when Merida called him.

"There's nothing between me and Leo. We just... care for each other," she let Jacob know.

Jacob turned back with a slight smile. "I know." And then he left.

Merida slowly closed her door. Why did she say that? She asked herself. She continues to get her things and then she heard another knock on the door.

These guys keep knocking when there's obviously a doorbell!

Before she opened the door she inhaled and exhaled. Then she put a smiley face on and opened the door.

"You ready?" Leo asked and she nodded.

Leo took her things and they went to his car. They drove miles away from their town just to see the ocean. The drive was quiet as Leo doesn't want to talk yet.

At the place where yacht and canoes where located was their stop. Leo is carrying all the stuff and putting them in their sailboat while Merida was taking pictures of the place.

"Come on! We got to set sail!" Leo told Merida.

She ran towards him. "Before we go, can we take a selfie?" She asked Leo.

Leo wasn't fond of taking pictures but when it comes to her, it's always different. He took her phone, put an arm on her shoulder and raised the phone in the air. They smiled and captured the moment.

Merida excitedly hops on the boat. She's never been in a sailboat before. Everything is new with Leo, she thought as she sits down.

Within second their boat was already speeding through the wind. Merida could feel the cool breeze blowing on her face. "This feels amazing!" She exclaims, grinning and looking at the sparkling water.

Leo smiles while holding tightly on the tiller. They have to be somewhere far to talk. Once he was content with where they were he lowered down the sail so the boat stays still.

"How are you doing all those?" Merida asked.

"It's simple when you know the parts of this boat and when you get to feel the wind. Also, this is dual function, it's an awesome boat," he told her.

"I like the ocean so much." Leo heard Merida say.

"So, how are things going with the kids and the orphanage?" He asked even though he knows the answer.

"It's good. We sealed the deal and I hope I finish doctoral the soonest."

"That's a long way," Leo commented, sarcastically laughing at Merida.

"Tch!" Merida scorned, making a face.

"There are things I wanted to ask you. And I want honest answers," Leo started.

Merida then felt nervous all of a sudden. She just never saw Leo with that serious face. It looks scary. It makes her heart beating faster than ever.

"Uh... sure."

"How do you feel now?" He asked.

Merida swallowed hard. She looks at the far side before answering. "I'm feeling good. I'm also not scared anymore, knowing you're always here for me."

"How do you feel about Jacob?"

Merida looked down and Leo doesn't know why but somehow he manages to translate those movements.

"I–uh... we're doing good," she stammers.

"Do I make you uncomfortable every time I ask about him?"

Merida forced a smile at Leo and then shakes her head side to side.

"Last question, what do you feel about me?"

Merida stared at Leo. It's her first time to see Leo with that look on his face. He seemed in pain and his eyes were full of sadness. She didn't notice that until now. It was just for a few moments that he let his emotions be seen. In five blinks it was all gone.

"No need to answer that," he said and smiled sweetly. "There are some chips on the bag. It's potatoes."

Merida faked smiles but in the inside, she felt like Leo had cursed her heart and now it's aching. She took the chips and ate some. "This taste really good," she said, looking away for him to not see her tears.

Leo didn't mean to let her see his true emotions. He failed and she got to see him for seconds. And now, he made her feel bad, which he doesn't want at all.

The ride home was so quiet, even when they were in front of her house. She was about to go inside when suddenly Leo hugged her.

"I hope you had fun," he murmurs and then breaks the hug. He messed up her hair. "Don't worry about not answering the questions. As you said, we just care for each other." Leo then started to walk away.

That made Merida froze. He heard when she told Jacob... All of a sudden Merida ran to hug him. She was crying her heart out, feeling the pain because of what she carelessly let out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry if I'm hurting you, Leo." She cries.

Leo turned back. He lifts Merida's chin and her tears glittered with the moon's light. He slowly moved his face and she was willing to get kissed but then he stopped. He moved away and smiled at her.

"It's late. Go get some rest," he muttered.

Merida slowly nodded and smiled. She then went inside, waved at him and closed her door.

Leo at his car slammed his forehead at the steering wheel. He was so frustrated that tears ran down on his cheeks. "It's fucking too late," he sobbed.

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