A Christmas Special Chapter

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That night was Leo's way of telling Jacob to get her. And Jacob was more than glad, he kept trying and trying. Leo could see that and so he left them alone. He wanted them to spend time together so they can be close to each other again.

While Jacob and Merida are distracted with the orphanage Leo spends most of the time alone like the old days or with Brandon. Sometimes Lisa and he would talk or Yuri. It turned out Lisa became Yuri and Merida's good friend. Candice was still the same though. Whenever Merida would ask Leo out he would say, something came up. It's just his way of withdrawing.


Christmas was around the corner and Merida's friends has all somewhere to go. She wanted to go visit her mom and spend Christmas with Beth but then it's Holiday and flights were fully booked.

Yuri has already gone home to her city since she booked way early. Lisa invited her to come to Lisa's house but then it'd be embarrassing so she said, it was okay. She couldn't invite Jacob because they're not okay yet and he's busy with his family since he has a nice one. Brandon was with his family as well and Leo was actually nowhere.

"This Christmas is really cold," she sighed.

A couple of minutes later, she remembered the street kids. It wouldn't be bad if she go and spend the Christmas at orphanage. She has to buy cakes too!

With that planned well, she put on something thick to keep her warm. She went out and walk towards a crowded street full of lights and such. She smiled, looking at everyone's happy faces, wishing it should be Christmas everyday!

After getting two cakes flavoured vanilla and chocolate, she bought some chocolate bars too. Satisfied with what she has, she went on her way happily humming towards the orphanage.

At the door, she knocked and waited for someone to open for her. Her eyes widened when Leo showed up in front of her.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked.

Leo was also shock to see Merida in front of him. He wasn't expecting her to be here. It was ideal for Merida to spend the eve with Lisa or Jacob since he heard them inviting her. He guess he was wrong.

"I should be asking you the same question," Leo then glance at the side and then clears his throat. "You should get inside or you'll freeze out there."

Merida smiled at him and stepped in. Leo took what she bought and they head to the kids. Eleanor welcomed Merida with a smile. Knowing Merida, she helped prepare their evening dishes.

At the living room where Leo was with the kids playing, the boy whom Merida and Jacob was helping stayed at the side. Leo noticed and so he called the kid.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Leo asked.

"She doesn't know that you helped us right?" The boy asked him back with a sad face.

Leo grinned at the boy and mess his hair. "It's our little secret okay? And I happen to just came by here." He then winked.

"Are you happy that she came?"

Leo deeply sighed. He was already successful at slowly withdrawing and now fate really loves to draw them near each other. "Yes, I am very much happy that she came. She would've been lonely if she stayed at home alone."

Finally the boy beamed at him. This little boy is smart and he knows he did the right thing to help them.

"Kids! Dining table now! The food is ready!"

They went running towards the dining area. There were a lot kids and everyone was happy. As Leo glanced to Merida, he smiled looking at her happy face. Thankful that he spent Christmas eve with wonderful people it's the best gift ever.

After their dinner was their exchanged gifts. They also played games and took pictures together. When Merida looked at the kids circling Leo, she can't help but curve her mouth up. Leo was indeed a good man, but if Jacob was here, what would he do? Would it be the same with Leo?

When the kids were sent to sleep, Leo and Merida cleaned the living room.

"Do you dream of having kids, Leo?" She asked all of a sudden.

"No," he uttered. "Do you want to have kids?"

She moved a finger at her chin and thought about it. "I like kids but I don't know if I can be a good mother to them."

Leo rest his head on his palm, the look on his face was playful and he was grinning at Merida. She felt intimidated and blushed at the way he's gazing, she had to look away.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She softly asked looking down.

"Because you're so beautiful," he chuckled and continues to clean.

Now Merida felt her face all heated up. Leo was teasing her and she can't help but make a face to spress her feelings. When it didn't help she took a crumpled gift wrapper and throw it at Leo.

Leo immediately stopped cleaning and looked at her, narrowing his eyes at her. "You didn't just do that, did you?"

Merida smirked, her face playful like his. "What if I told you, I did."

"Tch," he scorned and throw a box at her face.

Leo went on laughing. Merida didn't want to lose so she took some out of the garbage bag and they started throwing boxes and crumpled gift wrappers. They didn't know this was how their evening were gonna go. It was just a simple Christmas eve but then two lovely people made it great.

"Mother superior, do you think we should keep them down?" An orphanage helper, softly asked.

"No," Eleanor answered with a smile and look at her helper. "Let them be. It's not everytime I get to see that young man as happy as tonight."

The lady nodded and left. Eleanor continues to watch them two play while they clean a little more. She shed a tear and then left them alone.

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