Chapter Twenty Four

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School day, and because Jacob wants to fix things, he went too early at Merida's place. He knocked on her door, hopeful that she'd listen to what he is going to say.

It took Merida a while to open up. Her smile faded into a poker face the moment she saw Jacob. She sighed and crossed her arms. "What are you doing here?"

Before answering, Jacob licked his lips and took a deep breath. "I want you back."

Merida wasn't happy at all. Her face filled with disgust and anger towards Jacob. "What do you expect I'll respond? Oh! I want you back too? Don't be stupid, Jacob. Go get yourself something else to play your dirty games with."

And before he could say a word, Merida shut the door close right at his face. Jacob already expected that. "I know I was stupid for choosing her over you! But I realized I truly love you! And I'm sorry!" He screams.

The door opened again. He thought Merida was going to listen to him but he was so wrong. She slapped him hard that made him face the other side.

"Oops! Did I just do that? Sorry," she mocked. And then added in a serious tone, "You realized that's what you did, right? Chose to hurt me and then tell me you still love me after doing that! What are you sorry about, Jacob? Oh, I know! You're sorry that things didn't go as you planned with Elise and now you're back."

"No! I didn't mean to hurt you! I-I really lo—"

"Shut your lies up! It didn't work out, so it wasn't really 'love' we felt. And get the hell out of my sight, you're ruining my morning!" She threw him a glare and shuts the door once again.

Jacob was frustrated that he kicked the wall and angrily walks away. He's a real fucking jerk for hurting her. Now how is she treating him? Just like trash that she's never going to pick up ever again.


Jacob ended up walking to school alone. There, he went to his group of friends and saw Brandon. Brandon was avoiding him but he didn't want to.

"Can we talk?" he asked Brandon.

Brandon, expressionless looked at him with a 'what' look.

The other guys sense what Jacob meant and so they walked away. They sensed a fight scene.

"What do you want?" Brandon asked nonchalantly.

"I'm sorry," Jacob muttered, not looking straight at Brandon.

"For what?"

"For everything. For being an asshole to the girl you like, for liking the same girl, for being blind, stupid, and everything," he replied. Jacob's hoping they would still be friends.

"Well, I'm sorry too... For not telling you what I know." Brandon softly chuckled and continues, "But I'm not sorry that I like her though."

Jacob looked down and facepalmed. He heavily sighed. "I deserve this pain but I swear I'm going to take her back."

That's when Brandon sarcastically laughed so loud. "That's going to be the toughest one."

"Why do you think so?" Jacob questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Because she's in pain. You hurt her bad, bro. The night when you promised her to be there for the play, she saw you kissing Elise. Imagine how heartbreaking that would be. And after she played beautifully she went somewhere with the drama club and ended up almost getting raped. I'm sure she woe ever trusting you," Brandon told him.

The things Jacob heard made his insides turned. He's more than a fool. He's the worst guy for treating Merida like that. He deserves the fucking pain. He deserves every anger, frustrations and rudeness that she throws at him. He treated her the worst when she was supposed to be treated the best. He lost a fucking gem. Just what happened to, 'boxing her away from the world'? The box had broken what was inside. He hurt himself with the broken glass. No wonder her love for him became evil.

"You have to work hard for you to get her back. And Leo, he has her full trust. And I'm not giving up too," Brandon finishes and tapped his shoulder, leaving him as the bell rang.


At the classroom, Jacob could hear the whole class chattering about Merida standing up for herself when Candice tried to put shame on her looks. Walking towards his seat, he saw Merida and Leo laughing and talking. Pain is the only thing he can see. It hurts him so bad he wishes he was blind.

It didn't take a while for their instructor to come in. Though this was new because Mr Talez wasn't alone. He was with someone beautiful that made Leo so surprised and Merida so glad.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He roared across the room and everyone was surprised.

"Leo, sit down!" Mr Talez commanded, throwing him a glare. He did what he was told but continues to glare at the new girl. "Everyone, Ms Yuri here is our new student. She will be with us until the school year ends. Miss Yuri, please introduce yourself."

Yuri with her charming smile smiled at everyone especially Merida but not at Leo. "Hello everyone, hello there my stupid cousin," she said waving at Leo. He just rolled his eyes.

Merida was so surprised that they were ... cousins?

"And hello Love!" Yuri yells and giggled. "I'm Yuri Thunderberg and well, it's nice to be here!"

Leo looked at Merida asking why she didn't tell him that she knows her cousin.

"I didn't know you two were cousins," she answered and shrugged.

After her introduction, Yuri walks towards the seat next to Merida. She raised a brow to the guy who owned the seat. "Get yourself a new seat, I'm taking that."

The guy immediately stood up, gathering his things and transferred. Everyone was woah-ed with Yuri's attitude. Even Lisa thought she should invite this sassy girl to her squad.

The class resumed but Merida and Yuri kept whispering to each other. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to register here? Ugh! I want to hug you so bad!"

Yuri grins at Merida and whispered back, "I wanted to surprise you. And ugh! Why are you friends with my stupid cousin?"

"I didn't know you two were cousins and he's the one who I told you about, the guy who's so nice to me," she answered.

Yuri rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to save you from now on." Yuri then winks and they both giggled.

"You shouldn't have come," Leo joined the whispering.

The three started to whisper and it became louder and louder that Mr Talez could take it no more. "The three of you!" He yells and looks at the three whispering mice. "Go to the detentions!"

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