Chapter 10

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The news came to him like a storm. Valentino did not know if the awakening of his brother was a good news or not. He was supposed to be happy about it, after all, he is his own biological brother. However, a part of him felt pressured because of it, he knew admitting it would make him feel like a terrible person, but if he was to be honest with himself, he felt like he needed more time before he was ready to welcome his brother back, because he had never been that close to him even as a sibling, furthermore, he saw his brother as a rival in love, and he tried to make it as healthy as possible, he lost the first time, but since Alessio has gone into a coma, he had a second chance to be closer to her, but he felt like the chance was being stripped away from him before he could even reap the joy of it.

Then there they were, on the way to the hospital, he was driving her to see Alessio, her reaction when she found out he was awake was priceless, she was relieved, but he could spot something else beneath the teary gleam in her eyes, a hesitant look. It was a passing look, but he could see it, and perhaps it was due to his presence and what they had been through for the past few weeks. During the car ride, both of them were silent, she was looking outside the window with her wrist placed on the side of the door. He stole a glance at her reflection from the other side and he could tell she was troubled.

Just like him, she was supposed to be happy, but for some reason, she did not seem as happy as he thought she would be and even she noticed that about herself. She did not feel the same kind of excitement then about his return, which was terrible, considering she was his fiancee.

He did not know what to expect, but when they stepped inside the hospital's floor that day, everything would be different. He brought her to the front of the door, knocking gently as they exchanged silent gazes which could mean a hundred different things. Not long after the door was opened, it was Gianluca, he stood there with a firm look, allowing both of them to enter, while Chiara was seen sitting beside her son with a happy smile plastered on her face.

"Alessio" Valeria whispered as she rushed over to Alessio's side, at that moment, Valentino could feel her slipping out of his finger. Lord knew how he hated that feeling. Alessio was laying on the bed, a small smile was plastered on his face. Chiara stood up from her seat and allowed Valeria to take a seat beside him. She went to her husband who embraced her and planted a kiss on her hair.

Meanwhile Valentino stood still in front of the door almost expressionless, he could see a drop of tear fell from her face as she held Alessio's hand. He thought what they had been through was enough to get rid of her feelings for him, but it seemed that it was almost impossible. His heart was crushed, he almost could not bear to be in the room.

Chiara smiled as she watched the couple reunited, but her attention suddenly turned to her other son. She was quick to notice the sorrow in his face. He was unhappy. As a mother, she knew something was wrong with him. She followed his gaze to Valeria. He was watching her with so much pain visible.

Right then, Chiara understood why. Her lips parted slightly in disbelief. Then she turned to her husband. She told him with a smile that it was best if they left the couple alone, so they could talk in ease. Gianluca agreed and followed her, when they walked pass Valentino, Chiara placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered gently.

"I think you should leave to. Leave Valeria and your brother alone" he almost sensed that his mother's words had another meaning to it. An expression of sympathy was presence on her face. She drew off her hand and walked outside, turning once more to look at her younger son, who was still frozen, but then he turned his front to her and walked outside with a displeased expression.

Valentino needed to get his emotion in order, otherwise his emotion would devour him alive. He needed to make a decision right there whether or not he should completely give up on her then. But for some strange reason, his heart refused to move on, he did not know how stubborn he could get, but his life would be unhappy if he did not have her by his side, he knew that much.

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