Chapter 29

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Valeria turned her head to meet the man she had wished to avoid for the past few weeks, purely because she had no time to deal with him. Valeria had become more sensitive and conscious toward other people's behavior since Alessio broke up with her, perhaps it was partially because of her own fear of experiencing the same thing, but among the people she had, Silvano was on her black list. Since the beginning, he had given her a strange impression, but it became worse after what happened between them in the park.

At the moment, all she wanted was to have several drinks while having a heart to heart talk with her younger sister without any male interruption but considering what had happened lately, she should have known that was impossible.

Even if she could choose who could interrupt her supposedly pleasant evening, she would not pick him. She did not even know why he was not gone already from her life, why did he suddenly become such an importance? She might even assume that he was following her.

Rome was a large city, what was the odds of her meeting him for the fourth or fifth time within a month without even planning it?

"Silvano, what are you doing here?" she tried to maintain a polite attitude even when she was in a terrible mood just because that was how she was raised, but she would rather skip his company.

"I just came here to relax. Who would have thought I would stumble upon you here" he smiled before ordering a drink for himself, usually Valeria would not bother to pay attention to what people were ordering, but he ordered a glass of single malt whiskey.

Ginerva who was seated on the other side was confused with their sudden company, she did not know Valeria even had any guy friends, nonetheless a man who was clearly trying to flirt with her. Her sister was always on the conservative side, at least before Alessio cheated on her and triggered change, so most of the time she would keep her boundaries with men, of course she was naturally beautiful and Valeria had never noticed it, but Ginerva knew a lot of men would surely chase her if she was a bit more open toward those men. It would sound horrible, but Ginerva was on her position, she would find it difficult to maintain a neutral relationship with most men.

She had to admit, this random stranger she just met was quite handsome for a random man. From the way he was dressed, the man definitely had style. Looked like he came from an upper class family. Preferably someone from an old money, but his behavior did not quite align with most old money she knew. He had this open persona which made him both charming and odd.

"Oh, and who might this woman be?" he finally paid some attention to Ginerva who smiled politely at him.

"This is my younger sister, Ginerva" Valeria introduced her younger sister and Silvano took a sip out of his whiskey before shaking her hand.

"You are as beautiful as your sister. Your mother must have been quite a beauty" he complimented, but for some reason it came out wrong in their ears. Silvano turned his attention back to Valeria, his expression suddenly became more sympathetic. He took Valeria's hand in his and looked straight into her eyes.

"I heard what happened between you and Alessio. I am sorry, that man truly does not deserve you. He has failed to recognize such a talented and amazing woman as yourself. He has to be the biggest fool in the world" would there ever be a day where she was not reminded of her breakup with Alessio? She came to the lounge to enjoy herself and forgot about that bastard, but everyone in their mother just kept on mentioning it over and over again. Keeping it aside, she did not understand why he was so concerned about it. He was just a mere stranger, he had no reason to sympathize with her.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am fine now" Ginerva who was watching the whole thing started to feel weirded out by what was happening between him and her sister. She cleared her throat and put on a smile.

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