Chapter 35

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"Okay, now everyone, have a seat and we will talk this through as a family. No screaming, no crying, no such emotions, please" The whole Saverino family was gathered in the living room. Giovanna was there as a moderator of the family because clearly they needed one. She took a time out of her busy schedule to get the family's shit together because clearly without her presence no one would talk about anything. It was Sunday and initially they had had other plans but they needed to settle thing down before anything else. What happened within the family for the past few weeks had been insane and there had been a silent storm among them. Chiara refused to sleep in the same room as her husband and he could not even meet her without having things being thrown his way which was the reason why he was out most of the time since his wife had returned to the hospital, she was a crying mess, always locking herself in the room and refused to come out except for dinner and Alessio himself had also been a mess since he broke up with Valeria. He had not been able to get much things done properly because as much as he tried to hide it, the feeling of guilt was haunting every fiber of his being. Not to mention with what was going on with his parents, things were crazy, and Valentino, everyone knew what was going on with him and what happened in his surrounding had truly affected him as well. His only escape was his work and Valeria, she had been a huge savior for his sanity, but he also knew he needed to participate in settling in his family affair.

"Okay, we will start with Gianluca first. Apparently you have a son from your previous mistress and now your whole family found out about it. How do you really feel about it?" Before he could answer, Chiara snuffed.

"Who cares what he feels about it, he certainly doesn't care about what others are feeling otherwise he would not have slept with that whore of a woman" she bitterly stated as she crossed her arms. Both Alessio and Valentino had never seen their mother so offensive toward anyone, and it was justifiable considering what she had been through.

"How many times do I have to apologize to you? That was nearly thirty years ago, I had never cheated on you again afterward, I swear on my own life I had always been faithful to you after that. It was just a bad dream, a moment of infatuation, the devil must have gotten in my head. I did not know what overcame me but it was a mistake and I have compensated for it" he tried to defend himself to no avail because everyone in the room except for Alessio was still judging him.

"What do you want me to do Chiara? What do you want this old man to do? Take my own life just to gain your forgiveness? I cannot undo what has been done, Chiara. Now the boy is gone and you will never have to see him again if you don't want to I will never bring him to this family, I will never let him meet you, what else do you want me to do?" he was getting frustrated by his wife's attitude. Chiara could not believe he still had the nerve to say those words although they were reasonable enough but she was still upset nonetheless.

"Chiara, I am sorry. I know you are upset but there's nothing I can do about it now. Besides, the woman has passed away. You have nothing else to worry about" he assured. She was still shaking her head, refusing to listen to him. She was far too hurt to care about it anymore.

"Okay, let's move on to Alessio, shall we? So, you also cheated on Valeria and she broke off your engagement. Now Valenza and Saverino are not on a very good term because of your actions, what do you plan to do about it?" Giovanna asked. Of course, even after weeks had passed by she just had to mention it again.

"I can't believe my husband and son are both cheaters" Chiara murmured, loud enough for everyone to hear. Guilt was thick in the air and no one could do anything about it. Alessio pondered for a bit, what else was he supposed to do? Things were already over between her and Valeria and he had lost his relations with the Valenza. They certainly would never welcome him in their presence again after everything he had done.

"Nothing, there's absolutely nothing I could do, I mean, what else can I do? I have apologized to her but she would not talk to me. Truth to be told we all know this is all just another one of the family's business arrangement. I have never loved her, you know that much, she's beautiful and intelligent but I have never been into her. It was you who forced me into this relationship. Who can blame me if I cheat?" they could not believe it was the excuse he came up with.

Real mature. And they thought he was the golden child

"We're over and there is no way I am going out there to pursue her again" he bluntly stated. Giovanna chuckled and everyone's attention turned to her. They had no idea how could she laugh at such a serious situation. She murmured a small sorry and cleared her throat. Everything that was going on was far too amusing to her, she could not hold it back. How ironic it was that each of those disasters could have easily been avoided if only they listened to her since the beginning and then everyone was playing the blame game. Guess she was not the best moderator to be around because she knew way too much for her own good and she was not completely objective as well,

"Well, are you going to at least see that mistress of yours? because clearly there has been something that you're missing out on" Valentino snitched. He was so annoyed by Alessio's childish response, yes, their family played a part in it as well but it was not as if he could not say no since the beginning, the only reason why he was in the game was because he, and only he wanted it as well yet he's pouring all the blame on the family. Beside he was also insulting Valeria by acting like he had never even cared for her because Valeria had loved him for years, only to have her love repaid in such an ignorant manner, which was a direct offense for Valentino, who had been chasing her like chasing his own tail.

"What do you mean by missing out on anything? I'm not even seeing her anymore" he huffed. Valentino let out an ironic laugh upon hearing his response, he had no idea his brother would stoop so low. He contemplated for a few seconds whether or not he should tell him the truth but even if his brother was an arse he still deserved to know the truth especially about something as important as that.

"That woman is pregnant with your child" everyone's attention immediately turned toward Valentino. Alessio who was leaning his back on the sofa immediately straightened it and he moved his posture toward Valentino. It was how they knew he was actually paying attention and started taking things seriously. His brow was lifted and all he wanted to do was to dig the truth out of his brother's mouth.

"What do you mean she's pregnant with my baby? That's impossible" he stated because he did not remember doing unprotected sex with her, well, at least he thought he did not, sometimes his memory could get quite blurry and hazy as he constantly had so much to do in his day to day life. Which was the reason why he had selective memories sometimes but if Valentino was telling the truth then it could only mean one thing.

Disaster. Absolute disaster.

"God, now we are doomed. We will never be able to reconcile with the Valenza after this. How am I supposed to face my best friend now? I am too ashamed to remain alive anymore" Chiara sobbed. She was feeling a tremendous amount of pain and emotion that day her heartbeat was starting to accelerate again. Fortunately, before she had another heart attack, Valentino cut the conversation and made a statement which would change the family's perspective of him forever.

"Actually. No. Mama, papa, there is something you need to know" he did not know why he thought it was the perfect time to make the statement but he just knew he needed to announce it.

"Valeria and I are now dating. We're official"

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