Chapter 33

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It was Valeria's first day working at a corporate business, being a music teacher nearly her entire career life, she had never thought there would come a day where she had to get her office suit ready instead of her classic blouse and skirt on. This time she was actually wearing blazer for once, something she rarely wore because it was not exactly her style, with the exception of formal winter night. That morning she woke up a bit earlier than usual just so she could still do her morning routine like usual as well as preparing herself mentally for the change of scene. Despite being surrounded by corporate individuals her whole life, actually working in one would definitely be a completely different experience. She took a deep breath first thing in the morning, took her hot shower, fixed herself a quick warm breakfast and got dressed appropriately. She just knew she did not want to merely blend in with the crowd and disappear into the background, so that day she chose a sapphire blue blazer and skirt set inside of the traditional black and wore it over her white blouse with ruffle in the middle, which made her felt like herself with the classic touch of the ruffle and the blouse but with enhanced touch of professionalism.

Her hair was gently done, she did not want to look to stiff so she simply put it in a casual bun and since her hair was naturally wavy, she managed to pull that of beautifully without any issue as two tiny part of her hair fell on each side of her face, creating a feminine fringe effect. She applied just the lightest amount of makeup and a reddish pink lipstick, because it was daylight she did not want to apply a completely red lipstick, it just did not fit the occasion. Once she was done getting ready she checked herself in the mirror. Well, she looked slightly different but it still looked like her, but better, because after a few months she would get everything she wanted, one by one, even if she had to sacrifice a few things along the way, including her previous career. The fire had never truly left her, the anger she felt had become strength, it was no longer solely for getting her payback on Alessio, because clearly the man would get it soon, but it was also about improving herself, growing, branching out of her comfort and blossomed in areas she had never explored before.

She gave her brother a quick call to inform she was going to work soon, he told her that as soon as she arrived she could look for a man called Desmond who would help her settle in since he would have to do something else at the time. She walked out of her apartment and went straight to the office. She was not a complete stranger there since she had visited the place several times before to meet her brother. However, that morning there was something different about the experience because everyone was staring at her, she could sense it the moment she stepped into the place and she did not even know why.

What she did not know was prior to her arrival, Luca had formally announced to his employee that his sister would start working there. After going back and forth with the family, it was settled she would be working in the PR department, which heaven knew it would only take so long until she became the head of the department, she was after all, a Valenza, the previous head of the PR department had not even met her but she already knew this woman would eventually steal her position from her, which she was not pleased about but for the moment, she was still a newcomer and it would take some time until she could properly learn how they actually worked.

Truth to be told, being in the PR department was her idea, simply because she was good at communicating and presenting herself to others, a skill she inherited from being a teacher for years. What her family did not know was the reason why she chose the department. Valeria was no fool. She knew exactly how important the PR division was for the company, since she was a Valenza, it would be much easier for her to gain access and the trust of their clients and shareholders. In short, she would get access to the entire network of their family business. Quite a power to behold in the twenty first century. Of course, she would never do anything stupid which could ruin the reputation of the business for the sake of personal gain or pleasure, she was a family oriented person after all and she loved her family dearly, but it was still a terrific opportunity to gain an advantage in the game.

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