Chapter 34

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Valeria was beyond exhausted, she did not think working a corporate work would drain so much of her energy, she loved being active and professional in the workplace but it had only been days since she started working for the family business and she was already drained, of course, she was a strong woman within, it was not difficult for her to adapt and adjust, she knew all she needed was a bit more time until she was used to it. Because she was not going to back out on her decision.

That evening she went back to her apartment thinking of giving herself a long bath, maybe lit up some candle while listening to classical music and if she had the time she would practice on her piano before drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed. Ah, yes, that sounded just like the perfect plan She parked her car and went over to her apartment room. Inserting her key, she realized that the lamp in the living room was on, she started to wonder if she had forgotten to turn them off before she went, but it was morning, there was simply no way that was possible.

Perhaps it was a thief?

Her heart was racing as she opened up the door, her mind was already prepared for the worst as she took out her phone and get ready to dial 911. Once she was inside, she was pleasantly surprised that it was no thief in her living room, instead, she found Valentino sitting in her couch with a large bouquet of flower in his hand and another box of red roses on her glass coffee table. She stepped in the living room and placed her fingers on her lips in delight. The man was still in his suit, looked like he just came back from work and then went straight to the florist and bought her the presents. It was completely random, he had not even informed her of his arrival. Valentino walked over to her and handed the bouquet over to her.

"Welcome back beautiful, how was your first week at work?" She murmured a short yes as she gently took it in her hands. Valentino smiled and took her empty hand in his, while the gesture was sweet and all she began to question a few things.

"Valentino, this is sweet and all, but this is completely random. What are you doing here and how did you even get into my apartment?" she started to question the quality of the security service within the building, Valentino said nothing but instead reached out his arms to pull her into an embrace. She was utterly confused by his behavior but she still hugged him back anyway. Placing the bouquet in the shelf near the entrance, she gave her full attention to the man. She could tell right away he was in a rather pampered mood that night. The kind of mood where you just want to hug and cuddles all day, perhaps exchanged kisses and love gestures along the way, but truth is you just want to feel the comfort of being with your significant other.

"Valeria, I just want to be with you tonight. The past few days have been chaotic. I just want to relax myself in your arms" he admitted as he buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent. There was no signs of him stopping the embrace anytime soon, she knew she would have to be the one to break it otherwise they would be stuck in that position all night long. He did look a bit more tired than usual and judging from the appearance of his eyes, it seemed he had cried earlier for some reason. She nodded and led him to the couch. She sat down and he took a seat beside her, she thought he was going to talk that way, but no, he slowly laid down and rested his head on her thigh. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and whispered.

"It's difficult, Valeria" she did not understand what he was talking about but she knew she did not need to ask. He would tell her himself. Instead, she brushed his hair gently with her fingers. It was soft against her skin, he felt more comfortable whenever he was with her. Valentino was no man child, but what kind of man doesn't like being tenderly caressed by a woman, whether it's by his mother or his lover? Her other hand was on his chest and he was clutching it tightly. Just for once he wanted to forget about all his problems and just relax. Yes, relaxing, how obscure, how long had it been since the last time he was able to relax? It was only with Valeria could he do it. With her he felt calm. With her everything just seemed fine, because he knew no matter what happened after that she would always be with him, he just needed to be on his best behavior and keep pleasing her in the way he could, and he would stay with her, forever.

"I love you so much, it hurts. Everything hurts, but there's you, so I don't really care about anything else" she did not understand what was wrong with him. Valentino certainly acted a bit strange that day, she was certain he was not drunk, because he did not smell like alcohol. She waited for him to tell it on his own and it did not take too long until he finally admitted everything.

"Recently I found out that my dad had cheated with my mother for some time in the past, and it was a fairly short affair, but it turned out that mistress of his was pregnant and... I actually have another brother. I met him the other day and I did not like him at all. He was innocent of course, I knew that much, but because he revealed himself to my father, my mother who witnessed everything collapsed and she was hospitalized, she woke up recently but the first thing she did was crying and cursing my father's name. I hate it Valeria, I hate seeing my mother like that. I love her you know, my father, he's questionable, but my mother, despite her prominent affection toward my older brother, she still treated me really well and I know she did her best to love me as equally as my brother. And seeing her in the hospital for the past few days has been breaking my heart. She looks so pale and miserable, Valeria. My beautiful mother is miserable because of what my father did" She could have sworn he nearly cried but of course he tried his best not to, because he knew crying in front of her would do him no good. Beside he did not want to worry her too much for she already had issues on her own. Still, he needed to talk to someone and he did not trust anyone else but her for the matter. Then out of nowhere he was laughing in irony.

"I guess now both of us know where my brother's cheating nature comes from" he remarked. She could not agree more with it but she decided to remain silent until a question came to her mind.

"Valentino, will you tell me something? And please answer this with honesty" he stared up to meet her eyes. A small smile curved up on his lips.

"Have I ever lied to you? Tell me, and I will do my best to answer it truthfully"

"Will you ever cheat on me?" he thought she must have been joking when she spoke those sentence yet the look in her eyes stated otherwise, she was dead serious. The question had appeared like an innocent one but it contained a much deeper meaning the more you thought about it.

"No, I will never do that. I am not my father nor am I my brother. My love for you is undying. I have always been faithful to you and will always remain faithful. There are dozens of beautiful women out there Valeria, but my heart chose you and it will always choose you no matter what. You don't have to worry your pretty head over matters like this. Just know I will always be there for you and I will never betray you" he kissed her hand and straightened himself up. She stared deep into his eyes and gazed down at his lips and back to his eyes again. Her hand moved to his cheek and gently caressed it. With a low raspy voice, she whispered.

"I really hope you are not lying, Valentino. I really hope you stick to your words forever, no matter what happens. Because otherwise you may regret it" it was no threat, it was merely the truth, and Valentino knew that much. He nodded before leaning in closer to lock their lips together. That kiss felt warm and different from the other kisses they had previously had. It was filled with so many mixed emotions, and it was more than a physical connection, their souls were dancing with each other once more and only fate knew where things would end up. One thing for sure,

Valentino did not go back to his apartment that night

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