Chapter 3

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"I'm Xiao Zhan, The Student Council President. " Zhan spoke.

The entire crowd cheered once again for their President.

'Xiao Zhan? '
Yibo called his name in his mind. He sat there, all his focus centered at that person standing on the dias.

Yibo involuntarily leaned forward, to pay more attention to what the person was speaking about.

"This is your first step towards your dream. I hope all of you will succeed in fulfilling your dreams. I, as the Student Council President will always be there to listen to all your queries & worries and help you with anything and everything that can be done by me. So, you guys can approach me anytime. And, I also have a surprise for you guys. Want to know what it is? " Zhan asked and all the students shouted in excitement.

A small smile appeared on Yibo's face.
He soon covered it up, when he realised that the corners of his lips have been raised. He was himself shocked at this strange behavior of his.

"Well... So, the surprise is that..... We, from the Student Council will be throwing a Freshers Day Party to you guys tomorrow. " Zhan announced and the crowd roared in excitement.

"Are you guys excited? " Zhan asked and the crowd cheered.
"What? I can't hear you. Are you guys excited? " Zhan asked again and all the students shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Good. I'll see y'all tomorrow then. " With that said Zhan walked towards the backstage.

The program soon ended and all the students got up to leave, but Yibo still sat there, deep in thought. His mind was still thinking about that person who just walked backstage.

"Hey, mate! Aren't you leaving? " An unfamiliar voice asked Yibo.
Yibo raised his head and looked at the direction of the sound, where he saw an handsome young man with a smile on his face.
"I'm Cho Seungyoun from the Business department. And you? " Seungyoun asked.

"I'm Wang Yibo. From the Business department too. " Yibo said as he stood up to leave.

"Wow, you too!? We can be friends then. " Seungyoun said following Yibo.

"Hmm. " That was Yibo's reply.

"Coming to the party tomorrow? " Seungyoun asked.

"No. " Yibo answered.

"But why? " Seungyoun asked as they walked towards the exit.
"It's gonna be fun. "

"I don't like parties. " Yibo said.

"You don't like parties? Are you serious? Why--- Hey! Why aren't you walking? " Seungyoun asked with a confused expression when he saw Yibo halted his steps.

Yibo stood there, looking at Zhan who was having a chat with one of his friends.

"Whom are you looking at? " Seungyoun asked.

"Ah? No... It's nothing. " Yibo said resuming his steps as he walked towards the exit, where Zhan was standing.

Yibo wanted to ignore him again, but it wasn't possible this time as Zhan walked in front of him, blocking his way.

They both stood there staring at each other, while there hearts raced at an high speed.


"Ah! He's a fresher. He's name is Wang Yibo. He's from the Business Department. " The first girl said.

'Wang Yibo? '
Zhan called his name in his mind.

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