Chapter 21

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The time was stopped. The sky cried and the earth tried embracing it. Everyone were stopped, everything was stopped. The only thing that could be heard except for the weeping of the sky was the two hearts, which thumped hard against the chests, trying to match the rhythm of the other.

The car which was about to hit Zhan was stuck in air in front of him. But Zhan's attention wasn't on that car anymore.

He turned around and noticed the unmoving things and that was when his eyes fell on his guy, who was now having a dark smoke behind him and a dark aura surrounding him.

He saw Yibo through the tears of the sky which had completely drenched him. Zhan slowly turned towards Yibo and his legs involuntarily carried him to his man.

Yibo stood there, the anonymous power in him activating in each and every cell of his body. He felt very strong and also very weak at the same time. Even though the cold water hit his body, he still felt his boiling blood heating his skin cells.

The situation that they were in, or rather the situation that has been created by them was beyond human imagination, yet, they seemed unbothered.

Their eyes was only focused on each other, making the other things around them go obscure.

Zhan slowly took a step towards Yibo and so did Yibo. Even though his feet felt heavy, he still managed to drag them towards Zhan.

They both walked towards each other as the rain washed their footsteps that were left behind.

Zhan slowly approached Yibo and stood in front of him. The dark aura surrounding Yibo was still intact along with the dark black smoke.
Zhan's eyes into Yibo's as they stood there in front of each other.

Cry in the rain so that no one can notice your tears. But, even though the heavy rain washed their bodies, the tears in their eyes which flooded down their cheeks were clearly evident even in the heavy downpour.

Zhan slowly lifted his hand upto Yibo's face and held Yibo's cheek and gently caressed it.

Yibo leaned his face to take in the cold touch of Zhan's palm which provided a special warmth to his burning body.

"Yibo... " Zhan said in a low soft voice which came out as a melodious tune amidst the loud sound of the heavy droplets.
"I'm... Fine... "

As soon the words feel off Zhan's lips, Yibo felt a sudden wave of relief hit his body, which was followed by an immense pain in his heart. The black smoke around him slowly disappeared and his dark aura vanished.

Yibo felt as if someone was clutching and twisting his heart tightly. He held his chest and shut his eyes tight, as his upper and lower jaws tried to meet each other. His body felt cold, the hot wave which boiled his blood suddenly disappeared and he felt like he was freezing. His body shuddered as he collapsed on his knees.

Zhan quickly held his boyfriend and wrapped him in a tight hug as he somehow knew what Yibo was going through.

As soon as Yibo collapsed on his knees, there was another loud thunderstorm and the ticking of the clock was resumed. The screeching sound of the car tyres were heard as the driver applied immediate breaks to stop crashing it to the building in the front.

"Gosh! What's happening? "

"When did it start raining? "

"I'm all drenched. "

"What's going on? "

"The weather was fine minutes ago. "

People around were confused because of the sudden change in the weather and they started running to hide themselves from the heavy downpour. But, Zhan and Yibo still stayed there, as Zhan held Yibo in his tight embrace.

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