Chapter 14

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It has been a week since Zhan and Yibo came clean. They now know each other's secrets and there's nothing hidden between them.

Zhan is a poem which only Yibo can read and appreciate and Yibo is that riddle which only Zhan can understand and solve.

They need not speak to understand how they feel. Words aren't needed. Just a glance is enough for them to understand each other. Yibo sees his entire world in Zhan's eyes and Zhan sees his whole existence in Yibo's.

They don't care about each other's powers, they only care about the other's well being. Zhan being safe and sound in Yibo's warm embrace is all that Yibo wants, and Yibo embracing and cuddling Zhan giving him all his warmth is all that Zhan wants.

Nothing special or out of blue has happened in a weeks time. Everything is calm and is in place.

Yibo and Zhan have become the hottest couple of the University. Many adore them. And few are also very envious. Two handsome guys of the college being in a relationship... Yes, it obviously makes them feel jealous.

Girls still try to impress Zhan with their sweet words and gifts. Zhan respects their feelings and treats every girl in a delicate way, just like a true gentleman. But, he's straight forward as he doesn't like giving anyone false hopes.

A girl once tried to confess her feelings to Zhan right in front of Yibo.

"Zhan ge, I really love you. " Said the girl.

"Thank you, Mia. But there's no place for anyone else except Yibo in my heart. "
Zhan said.

"But, ge... I really love you. " The girl called Mia tried to convince Zhan.

"And I really love him. Zhan without Yibo is a body without soul. So, please stop having these feelings for me. My heart is only for Yibo. " Zhan didn't think twice before saying it right in front of everyone in the open corridor.

After that incident, no one else approached Zhan with that intention anymore as they all now knew that Zhan is only for Yibo.

Girls who were attracted to Yibo too backed off on seeing his cold aura whenever someone tries to approach him or Zhan.

It was as if Yibo's warm smiles, his soft looks, his heart eyes, his beet red ear tips, his chuckles and giggles and him and his heart, they were all only reserved for Zhan.


It was Wednesday, Zhan and Yibo came to the University together as usual. Yibo walked Zhan to his class, where they crossed paths with Zhuocheng.

"Zhan, I think you completely forgot about our project. " Zhuocheng said.

"Haha... No, Zhuocheng. It's just that... I'm a bit busy. " Zhan said looking at Yibo with a smile on his face.

"Well, I know how busy you are. " Zhuocheng rolled his eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes, Zhuocheng. " Yibo scoffed.

"Right, you look ugly when you do that. " Zhan said.

"I don't understand why you two call my handsome face ugly. I guess there are some defects in your eyes. " Zhuocheng said.

"Okay, Mr. Handsome grumpy uncle. Let's go now. " Zhan said as he walked over to Zhuocheng's side.

"What? You---- "
Zhuocheng wanted to chide Zhan, but he trailed off when he felt Yibo's death glare on him. Zhan chuckled and winked at Yibo.

"And Yibo, I'll be going to Cafe 6 after class today. We have to discuss about our project so we decided to go there instead of going to his place as it is close to the University. Come there if you have time after your class ends. " Zhan said looking at Yibo.

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