Chapter 9

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School became more intense in the weeks following the party, and exams were on the brink of approaching. There weren't any opportunities for parties, or even much socializing. Ricky's visits to the Morales household were mainly to cram with Alexander the day before a big test. When school became busy, Alexander and Ricky tended to stay mostly in Alexander's room to avoid distractions, and Robin and I typically did the same. Socially, things started to feel slightly different. I would receive more nods and hellos in the hallways, I was getting more friend requests on social media. People were finally starting to know my name. Even if they said Anna, instead.

My mom had never found out about the party. Despite the hangovers, Alexander, Robin, Ricky and I did a fantastic job of cleaning up the house until it was sparkling. Every old school project and antique was back in its rightful place. Alexander also never found out about the state I was in that night, and I hoped it'd stay that way. Although he did complain about how someone had thrown up on our lawn while he hosed it off the next morning in a most agitated manner. He vowed to find out who it was, and Ricky and I glanced at each other briefly, hiding smiles.

One snowy December night, Robin and I were preparing for Monday's Twelfth Night seminar. It was a blessing to have English class with Robin, a self-proclaimed Bardolator – that is, someone who loves Shakespeare.

"Be not afraid of greatness!" Robin proclaimed, standing on my bed. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them!"

"What are we?" I asked, watching her performance in amusement.

"All three," she replied with a wink.

"What does this quote mean," I showed her the book and used my pencil to point to the line. "I unclasp'd to thee the book even of my secret soul."

She hopped off the bed and picked up the book to read over the line. There was an intensity in her eyes as she quietly mouthed the words. She looked like such a scholar – like a cool and sexy professor with a nose ring. "Orsino is telling Cesario that he has told him things that are so deeply personal that he would never tell anyone else... he's in love."

Ricky was heading home from an intense study session with Alexander the same night as me and Robin. We heard him shout out "Goodnight Ms. Morales, goodnight Anastasia, goodnight Robin" as he opened the front door to leave. My mom quickly intervened.

"Ricky! It's an absolute blizzard out there. You can't drive home in this weather!"

"It's only a five-minute drive, I should be ok—"

"Nonsense. Let me text your mom right now and see if she agrees with me." My mom swiftly went into the kitchen to grab her phone. She had to put on her seeing glasses to type out a text.

Robin and I speedily made our way to the upstairs bannister to peer down. I saw Ricky and Alexander shrug at each other, before Ricky looked up at me. Ricky had spent the night at my house many a time, but that Ricky hadn't held my hair when I was sick. I didn't know that Ricky's real name.

I hadn't even told Robin about that night. I didn't want to share those moments with anyone else.

Since Robin had already planned to sleepover, we were both already in our pyjamas. I secretly wished I hadn't changed so soon, had I known Ricky might have been staying overnight.

"Ada agrees with me. Ricky, she thinks you should spend the night here just to be safe," my mom informed.

Robin's curls bounced as she twisted her head to grin at me. She had a sly look on her face, like she had just had an idea. I gave her a stern look as to imply not to say anything.

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