Author's Note

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Here are the meanings of the character's names that you may not have known:

Alexander: From the Greek word "alexien" meaning to "ward off, defend, protect."

Anastasia: From the Greek word "anastasis" meaning "resurrection" – to "bring new vigor to"

Frederick: Old Germanic name meaning "peaceful ruler"

Robin: Old Germanic name meaning "famed" and "bright"

Rex: Derived from the Latin word for "King" 


Special thank you and a shout out to @crispytoaster for designing the beautiful cover! 


I began writing this story when I was the same age as Anastasia. This is my first ever fully written novel, and I am proud of all the the energy and passion I put into writing it. When I read this story, I am taken back to my sixteen-year-old self, who only saw the completion of this novel as a distant and faraway dream. As an adult, I have been able to refine the plot in many ways, yet the teenager whose heart and soul went into these characters and this world, still exists upon reading it.

Thank you so much to everybody who was along with me for the journey of this novel. All of your upvotes, comments, and views mean the world to me. Those who have commented and messaged me, you have given me so much support and motivation to continue writing a story that, for a long while, suffered from my writer's block. Thank you with all of my heart for showing to me how much you enjoyed the story, and I can't tell you enough how pleased I am to know that even just ONE person fell in love with the characters and the world that I've created. Even those who have read silently and whose names I don't know – I love you just the same!


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