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Why did things always have to be so complicated?

I groan out loud in sheer tiredness as the alarm rings again for the umpteenth time. I'd snoozed the device so many times that the snooze button was probably tired of me. Another weekend has gone so fast like Bolt at the olympics and now Monday has arrived again. Yay new week.

I sluggishly get my butt up and like a zombie I head straight to the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast. When the coffee is done, I pour it into my favorite mug and take a huge sip, the burn oddly soothing my throat. It's about 6:30am just about 30 minutes off from my usual 6:00am waking time. I've always been an early riser and I just can't help it, even when I try to I always still end up waking early.

"Good morning." Mel yells in a sing song voice and I screech in utter irritation at the noise and the terrible singing voice. "Don't be a hater Jesse, I could sell out a concert." Yeah to a bunch of hearing impaired aliens wearing headphones. She heads straight to the coffee pot and pours some of the liquid goodness into her mug. I take the moment to see that she's already dressed and ready for school.

"Why are you dressed so early?" I croak out.

"Girls soccer meeting before breakfast and I think it's because Ashley is leaving the team and so we need a new captain and they want me to step up but that'll mean more responsibility and I don't know if you've noticed but...." I tune out my rambling sister, I'm not really in the mood to follow that conversation. All I see if moving lips but my mind seems to have drifted elsewhere, a repetition of how the whole weekend went.

Ever since that interaction between myself and Hunter it's just been difficult to ignore what I've been feeling for weeks now. He is a fucking asshole, conceited, Mr-I'm smarter-than-you-all, annoying as heck, has a wrong idea of wet, and he smirks all the time, who freaking smirks all the time? Did I mention very annoying?

So why can't I get him out of my mind? Why am I attracted to the things I should hate? Why does it bother me that he affects me so much? Why is it wrong yet it feels so right?

I mean he's possibly the most handsome man I've ever laid my eyes on. The deepest and most expressive set of ocean blues I've been privileged to come across. They remind me of the wave of the ocean, calm and soothing but could be quite deadly when tried. Long tan legs that go on and on giving rise to a mountain of a man taller than myself and I stand at 6'2.

"You're not listening to me Jesse." Mel whines.

"There's a lot on my mind Mel. Gotta get Laney up." I stand immediately and make my way to my son's room not paying any mind to my pouting sister.

The little man is already awake by the time I get to his pirate themed bedroom. Don't judge me, I think Johnny Depp did a fantastic job and he's hot so no foul here.

"Dada" Laney calls out, one of his chubby hands reaching out to me and the other still rubbing at his sleepy eyes. A smile appears on his cute face as I lift him up from the antique crib onto my hips.

"Sleep well buddy?" I receive a shy nod before the little man buries his face into my chest. I sweep the unruly brown curls away from Delane's face before heading straight to the bathroom for our morning routine.


I'd dropped Laney off with Renee after another hot round of catch me if you can with the little man. Mel is off to school and so I lock up the house and hop on my Harley. It's straight down the road to the club's warehouse with only one agenda in mind.

"Hey prospect." I turn around to see Bobby slouched on the chair a slur to his words. "Pass me the coffee and Advil." The fucker was hungover on a Monday morning. Probably one of the worst ways to start the day. I would seriously help him but he called me a prospect plus I'm not in the mood to help.

"I'm not a prospect anymore and I honestly don't feel like helping." I shrug and walk away from the horrified man.

It's not hard at all to locate the section I'm looking for, it's just off the side of the main area. I've never really come around this part of the warehouse before but a door sign that says VP makes my search easier. Luke and bruiser had rooms in the warehouse as well as 2 spare rooms for whosoever needed to crash here. That's actually where the D.S. Brooklyn guys were set up right now.

With no one in sight, I open the door. I would knock but I figured we're past civility now and either ways I'm not sure Hunter is in here.

I really wish I'd knocked.

The first things my eyes zero on upon entering the room is a semi naked Hunter. The shock is evident in his orbs as he stares at me like I'm an alien advertising designer shoes. I open my mouth to explain my reason for being here before realizing what I walked in on.

A slim brunette casually walks out of the adjoining bathroom towards the bed like it's a usual occurrence. My mind blanks out but I manage to reel it in and keep the anger bottled. I notice Hunter's eyes studying me the tenseness in his shoulders quite comical as he darts his eyes towards the brunette. It seems she doesn't even notice me quietly standing to the side, up until I clear my throat.

"Well this is a nice surprise." My voice is so monotonous and emotionless that I hardly recognize it.

"Who are you and why are you in here?" I hold my chuckle as she comically scrambles to put clothes on and cover her lady parts. I don't bother giving her a reply neither is she deserving of one anyways so why waste my time. Instead I shift all my focus to bruiser who still seems shaken by my presence.

He eventually snaps out of his daze and speaks "JJ what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk but clearly you've been very busy." Emphasis on 'busy'. "Leave" I instruct the fully dressed lady now, not like it's much of clothes anyways.

She scoffs before glaring right at me "You can't tell me what to do." She throws back sassily.

I narrow my eyes at Hunter staring right at him, deep enough to see my anger. I know it's working when he clears his throat before handing his 'friend' her purse. "Leave Tina."

"It's Tatyana you asshole." She screams before hitting him with the purse and turning on her heels, slamming the door in her wake.

"What are you doing here JJ?" Hunter repeats his earlier question but I'm far too pissed at him to be rational.

I shrug off my leather cut first onto the hardwood floor. Next goes the black round neck t-shirt I have on flying out of my grasp. My fingers close around the belt buckle adorning my waist and I begin to unbuckle it. All forms of clothing off my body, I close the distance between us in three brisk steps.

Hunter is still seated on the bed, his eyes track my every movement like a hunter does its prey. Thing is, the prey is a very angry one therefore the line is a little blurry as to who holds what role, hunter? Or prey?

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz