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"It's just so crazy to think one of us is doing this, and to what end?" It was just me, mamba, Luke, O'Reilly, and meathead, standing outside in the chilly night. This is a first incident for Luke as the president of D.S. Stocker so to say he's both pissed and confused is an understatement.

He'd just dismissed everyone home a little after midnight. The process of finding the weapons to continue later in the morning.

Luke gestures towards me to talk in private, I slip out among the guys and we walk some steps away from prying eyes. "Capitan's guys from the cartel would be arriving tomorrow. Drozdov wants assurances that our bases are covered so we need to clip this mess ASAP."

"Why wasn't I told that the cartel would be getting involved?" The severity of the situation wasn't hidden to me, but involving the cartel in the Devil's Sons internal affairs should at least warrant a vote.

"I didn't think you'd have a problem with it, seeing as it's in everyone's best interest to find those weapons."  Luke replies, narrowed eyes studying me.

"No doubt, but you didn't even seek my opinion about it." He knew my answer would have been a big fat no. The cartel getting involved could get messy real quick, especially with our "trade" with the Armenians. "I understand you're stressed right now, I do. But you're making decisions too hastily Luke and as the VP we're supposed to deliberate, not cross me out."

"No one is crossing anyone out, I can't afford to look weak when someone is stealing from my club." He whisper yells, laid emphasis on the personal pronouns.

"Our club Luke, our club." With that, I turn around towards my Harley. The guys stare silently at Luke and I but no word is spoken, only the deafening silence can be heard.

"You know this has to be done, we gotta find the thief somehow." O'Reilly points out and although I agree, there are better ways to go about doing that. "Good night brother." With a light tap on my back, he bids goodnight. I watch everyone disperse amidst the tenseness in the atmosphere till it's just myself and mamba outside the warehouse.

"So.." Mamba begins in a high pitched voice. He does this when he's about to a.) tell me something that he has no business telling me, b.) What he's about to say would piss me off, c.) He's about to poke his nose in my business but he has to first do option a, then he guilts me into telling him my business or makes me the bad guy for keeping my business to myself.

Sad thing is he gets me everytime. "Where are we going tonight?"

We? I furrow my brows in curiosity on how my plans became our plans. "I'm going to JJ's." It was my fault thinking he would take the hint because the next thing I hear is

"Sweet, let's go." I watch in mild confusion as he dons his helmet and shades before motioning me to hurry up.

"I don't remember inviting you mamba."

"Tsk tsk short term memory is a bitch, right?"

"Motherfucker." I reply before putting on my helmet. If I know one thing it's that there's no way out of this, so no need to argue at all. I ignore the triumphant smile he's sporting, rolling my eyes at the man. Zooming out of the parking space, I make the bearing straight for JJ's house.



A loud knock resounds around the house, I quickly clean my tears as soon as I hear Mel open the door. I was presently in the kitchen fixing us something to eat, lord knows that girl would starve to death without me.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin