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I head straight for the long haired blond male presently glancing across from me. The unease is written on his face as he watches my every move like a hawk. I notice the stares from the guys behind me namely Bobby Nitro and O'Reilly but none of them dare say a word.

My eyes follow mamba as he makes his way towards the storage room off to the side of the warehouse, away from prying ears. I lock the door upon entering the slightly cold room and it's just the two of us now.

My fist fly out and he quickly blocks it, but it's merely a distraction for the backfist that connects with his face.

His legs quickly sweep mine from underneath me and frankly I'm not surprised, he's always been quick on his feet.

I roll over and quickly stand back on my feet, sending another flying fist to his abdomen. A painful grunt escapes him as he doubles over. "Fuck, why are you so mad at me Hunter?" He manages to let out.

A scoff of disbelief escapes me, where's my list of answers to that question.

"You've been lying to me for weeks Levi, we do a lot of shit but one thing we don't do is lie to each other. Yet, here we are." I hiss in displeasure from the pain in my back from my earlier landing. "As if that isn't enough, you're seen talking to ADA Cox and now two weapons are missing?"

A look of hurt flashes through his silver orbs and I know it's not from our earlier hits. He huffs before limping over to seat on the table. "It's one thing to think I'm a snitch but a thief? That's a little disappointing brother." The solid look of betrayal is evident in his eyes and I know I'm going about all this the wrong way, but I don't know what to think anymore.

JJ is in there being prosecuted of something I know he is innocent of, therefore it's up to me to figure out what happened to those weapons before it's too late. Suddenly the dread running through my veins was starting to make sense. I was scared of what would happen if the club found out about me and JJ.

More importantly, I was scared for JJ.

"What am I supposed to think Levi, please enlighten me what am I supposed to think?" My voice is a little louder now and a whole lot desperate for answers.

"Stop yelling at me, I hate it when you yell at me." He states softly and I automatically take a calming breath. Yelling isn't going to get me anything and I could sense the conflict in mamba, something else was at play here. I close the distance between us, taking the opposite side of the table to sit.

"ADA Cox approached me some weeks back and long story short, says she's going after Dickory and Chancellor."

My head snaps up at the sound of my father and mamba's being mentioned. What did the daughter of a gun want with them?

"She happened to lay hands on some records and found out that they had both lied on his enlistment forms, which is still a felony offense and jail worthy. If they agree to cooperate with her in building her case on D.S. and other affiliates their felony will be like it never happened." He finishes.

What the actual fuck? Enlistment forms? That was literally decades ago, how did she get her hands on those?

"That's what I've been dealing with Hunter. I don't know what happened between you and Chancellor, but for both our sakes I can't let our fathers go to prison." My heart breaks at the pain in his voice. I can't bear the thought either of our fathers going to jail.

"I'm sorry for lying to you but I need you to believe that I'm no snitch brother and I didn't take those weapons. You know that right?" Of course I did, I don't know why I doubted mamba in the first place. Shiny silver eyes look right at me for reassurances and I quickly close the remaining distance between us before pulling him into my arms.

I run my hands through his silky blond hair before speaking again. "I know that and I'm sorry I doubted you in the first place. Chancellor and Dickory would be fine, I promise." Nothing was going to happen to them, no one forces the hand of people important to me. Not the cops, not the feds, and definitely not a pesky assistant district attorney.

"I see you haven't changed bruiser." A laugh escapes my lips as he clutches his abdomen area where I hit earlier.

To be fair my back is still aching from that awkward landing earlier, so I guess we got some pretty good hits in. It's quiet between us for a while as both of us linger in our thoughts on the looming darkness ahead. Levi's voice breaks me out of my draining thoughts. "You think one of the prospects or newly patched-in members took it?"

Logically it made sense, they had the watch, a perfect opportunity to steal from the club. However, something just didn't sit right with me on this whole situation. And I know for a fact who didn't take those weapons but is presently being grilled in there, JJ.

"Hmm you have that look in your eyes." I narrow my eyes at mamba in question. "The one where your mind is going a million miles per second." He moves his index and middle right fingers in a swishing motion to imply his words. "Tell me, what are you thinking?"

"It wasn't JJ." I state.

His eyes study me like an museum artwork before he speaks. "You sound sure." He muses.

"I am. We were together on the night of his watch." Mamba stares at me confusedly for a long moment, before the bells start going off in his head.

Realization hitting him and his eyes widen in shock. "Oh no, no no no no Hunter. Oh no you're kidding right?" I show no comedic signs, seriousness etched in my features. "Shit fucking hell Hunter... the club cannot know about that." He lays extra emphasis on the latter. "It's against the fucking laws bro, what were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking." I reply.

Of course I know the laws, I am infact the Vice President of the Devil's Sons Stocker Chapter so yes I do know the laws. And it clearly states that "Any and all sorts of non platonic or familial relationships between patched-in members is forbidden."  We are brothers and it's supposed to remain that way, no conflicts of interest or unnecessary relationship feuds that could harbor bad blood between club members.

Yet here we are.

"Dude this is a disaster." I agree. Right now the only alibi that JJ has is me. The consequences of that is presently unthinkable, unless those weapons are returned by whoever stole them.

I retrieve my phone to check the time and it's late in the evening at this point. I stand up, dull pain shooting through my back but nothing I can't handle though. Mamba does the same and we silently head back to the main area of the warehouse, our words remaining between us.

"Well damn." Bobby Nitro muses as we enter the main area. It's much less crowded than earlier.

"Where's everyone?" I ask.

"Split up to go search their houses." He gestures towards the prospects and newly patched-in members still being held in the inner room.

Although I doubt whoever stole it would brand the weapons in their houses, they could also be dumb enough to. We do the same thing here at least, hiding things in plain sight. "Y'all want anything?" He gestures towards the small bar setup we have going on.

"Whiskey." I grunt flopping on the couch, I needed something strong right now.

"You never told me who saw ADA Cox and I together." Mamba questions but he's barely finished when JJ emerges from the inner room.

"Bruiser can I have a smoke?" I retrieve the pack of cigarettes from my pocket and a lighter, handing it to JJ and he takes it gratefully.

A mumble of "of course" from mamba is not enough to tear my attention from the slacked shoulders, and missing sway in JJ's otherwise confident figure.

That made my heart sink for some reason.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα