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I don't know what to think. Or how to act. Or what to say. Or what to even fucking do.

Why would Hunter do that? I'm not a fucking damsel in distress who can't take a little heat.

Sooner or later they were going to find who took the guns and everyone would be free, no one would have to know about our secret. Except mamba of course.

It's not gonna be me? What does he even mean by that?

On top of all that, neither the president nor the vice president could be found. Almost three hours now, the prospects and newly patched in members were still in the room, the rest of us out here wondering where the club's leaders were. No one was speaking, no one was moving, everyone was just glued to their seats in the tense atmosphere.

Worst of all are the looks I keep getting, I can literally feel them boring holes in my back. Of course it's weird if the president and VP are holed up in the inner room and suddenly I'm acquitted from my accused status.

Another hour passes again and still nothing from Luke or bruiser up until the loud rumble of a motorcycle resounds outside the warehouse.

Almost immediately, Luke walks into the warehouse as expressionless as an assassin. "Meeting" He says gruffly, hands threading through his sandy hair. Without questions, everyone heads towards the meeting room.

"JJ you're excluded same as bruiser." As quick as he says that, he slams the door in my face and the soundproof room is closed off to me.

Long grueling moments go by, till the rumble of a Harley goes off outside and I have a pretty good guess on who it is. I'm not mistaken when the tall figure of Hunter cruises into the warehouse and heads straight for the bar. He grabs a bottle of some liquor, I could care less what liquors were out there. Filling a shot glass he downs the brown liquid, fills again and downs the second.

"You're out here and I'm out here, they're taking the vote to de-patch one of us.

No shit genius.

"You know this is all I've ever known, but now I guess I have to learn something else." Another shot. "I could always be a stripper" That isn't even funny, I might kill anyone that as much as touches my man.

A loud belly laugh escapes him as he slaps his knee while laughing. "You should h-have seen your face it was like" I guess he's trying to recreate my scowl but successfully he landed the role of joker with that face. "Or I could be an assassin." He muses and I roll my eyes, my mind tracking back to the present.

The vote could go either ways so I'm not sure why he's so confident that they would kick him out, it could as well be me. All thanks to his big mouth anyways we were in this mess.

A part of me knows of course that the way things were progressing, we were going to get exposed sooner than later but I still couldn't stop loathing the way the situation has turned around. The least he could do was tell me what he was going to do, not just singlehandedly do what he thought was best.

"Why did you tell Luke? I could have held on in there you know. I'm not a fucking damsel that can't take a little heat." I snap angrily.

An equally angry gaze lands on me, hardened jaws, the ever present smirk is absent, replaced with a frown. Blazing blue eyes as he begins speaking "You looked miserable without your son yesterday so don't tell me you could have held on when you were dying inside."

"And so you do what you think is best for me?" I say with a bitter chuckle.

"Damn right I did and look, it didn't cost you a thing." With a small air cheers, he downs another shot of liquor. I stare at him for a long moment, not knowing what to say. He's being an ass right now and I definitely didn't feel up to it right now. Yet, somehow I could sense something else.

"What are you talking about bruiser?" I ask confusedly. Whichever way the decision went, was going to cost me something.

He doesn't answer for long minutes, just silently gazing right through me. Or at least that's how I felt under his scrutinizing gaze that was looking at me but not at me, if that made any sense.

Suddenly, a chuckle ripples through his lips "I told Luke to sway the decision your way." And there it was, the anger I was sensing. That feeling of me stripping away everything he has ever loved and cared for. It broke me.

"You loathe me." I whisper softly.

He hated me and everything I stand for. He basically told Luke to sacrifice him for me to stay and now he hates me. I suck in my top lip and bite down on it hard, a nervous habit of mine. I'd bite down till it ached sometimes but yet couldn't find it in me to stop.

Hunter's silence only reemphasizes the fact that he loathes me. It takes all in me to hold my tears back. I thought..... I don't know what I thought. That we were going to live happily ever after? That I thought maybe he won't leave me even with all I have going on? That I stupidly fell in love with him while knowing how one sided it might be?

The door of the inner chamber opens and Ryker's head pops out. "VP, JJ, come in." I don't miss the solemn look on the faces of every individual present in that room. It's like a farewell get together for one of us, the quiet emulating a funeral. The black leather cut adding to the aesthetic of a departure. I follow Hunter's lead and move to the front of the room, facing the brothers, waiting to hear their decision.

"In the vote to de-patch according to the disobedience of the fifth code of the Devil's Sons, the club has decided that bruiser.................................................................................. retains his seat as VP. JJ is to be de-patched." The gavel hits the table.

This has to be a record of sorts, doesn't it? The quickest someone has lost their patch.

"Hijo de puta." Capitan shouts as he jumps across the table and that's when I see it. That's when i see Hunter grabbing onto Luke's cut and raining punches on his face.


They roll around a bit and Luke gets the upper hand but it's not enough as bruiser uses the leg of the table as an anchor to swiftly turn them around. He was murderous in that moment.

"You good?" Mamba stands next to me unbothered as the other guys try to separate the president and Vice President of D.S. Stocker. Only curiosity shines through his eyes as he turns to me.

"Ask me tomorrow." I reply. I had no answer for how I felt at the moment, numb was the only thing I was.

Bruiser and Luke successfully separated, both bloody from their hits. More so Luke, as the blood trickled down in a steady stream from his nose.

I simply lay my leather cut, gun, and knife on the table before turning on my heels and walking out of the warehouse.

I guess my chapter with the Devil's Sons has come to an end.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ