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"Is there a reason why we have to guard the warehouse at all times now?" O'Reilly throws out cutting me off midway through my sentence. Rude, but an important question nonetheless. I glance around the room and it goes without a doubt that they all have the same question too except Luke of course. Frankly it's not the first time we've had a tip like this but it turns out to be noise at the end of the day, but precaution has always been taken either ways.

"Just precaution, nothing serious." I reply, mostly focusing on O'Reilly, next to him is Brews and at the corner to the side is Meathead. The guys from D.S. Brooklyn and the newly patched in prospect are the ones that are new to this. "I've made the roster for the next 7 days which is when we deliver all we have in stock. During the days we're all pretty much here, so the work is at night."

I watch the roster get passed around between the guys. It's the newly patched in members and the prospects that are on duty, it's their chance to prove themselves once again.

"Is there something we should know VP?" I almost throw the question right back at the sender but decide against it last minute.

"None that I know of mamba." I say unbothered as the roster continues to get passed around the guys. I notice Levi's wince and JJ's eyes silently roaming between the pair of us, but no one comments on anything.

I'd slated in JJ for next Wednesday watch since it's one of his off days during the five day work week. The other being Friday and Laney would be with him so Wednesday it is. I'd shamelessly memorized his whole schedule that I could almost always predict where JJ is at a certain time.

Once everyone is up to speed about the new way of things, meeting is dismissed. Ryker is taking watch tonight so everybody else begin to head out.

I head into my private area in the warehouse to clear out a few things since I was spending the night at JJ's. It's a Friday so he has Delane, we probably won't do anything but that's okay. He does have a great movie selection at least when he's not being a boring 70 year old man interested in watching the news. Hopefully he doesn't begin to develop an affinity for sudoku I don't think I can handle that, the thought alone makes me shudder.

I close the door of my private room, and as I'm about to head out a sharp voice booms adjacent to my position. I didn't realize someone was even there.

"First Guerrero requests you and now we're standing watch, brother you seem to have forgotten that I came up through the cartel ranks with Guerrero. Now you can either tell me or not, but don't feed me  lies that everything is okay." Capitan explains, spite dripping from his words at the thought of me betraying his trust.

"It's nothing serious brother." I reply curtly, turning back to my previous destination which sits outside these walls.

"So there is a problem." It's not stated as a question so I don't bother posing an answer to it. We continue the walk to our motorcycles in silence, although I can feel Capitan's eyes boring holes into the back of my head. "You know if the true location of our shit has been leaked then it means a brother is leaking. You know what we do to leaks?" The dangerous glint in his eyes very glaring under the single light source outside the warehouse, in the pool of darkness. "We clip 'em ese."

"No one is clipping anyone, let's figure out if all this is noise or facts first. In the meantime no one is stupid enough to come on our turf, alright?" When he doesn't reply, I step up to him to look him right in the eye "Alright?" He nods slowly and with that I back up and hop on my Harley.

The wind hits me in the face, the smell of everything around me, majorly nature and car fumes, the rumbles and vibrations of the Harley beneath me exhilarates me. The hyperawareness involved with riding a motorbike adds the edgy feeling and heightened response to the adventure. The deep contrast between balance and leaning, every part of me is involved in the process. The marginality of relaxation enhanced by the meditative, zen-like peaceful state riding puts me in, where I don't think about the next turn or the next quarter miles. Everything is harmonized and I feel immersed with everything, a deep orgasmic feeling.

I pull up at JJ's, parking my Harley where I usually do and I rap my fists on the door. I'm barely past the door into the house when the excited one barrels into my legs. My poor legs.

"Bwuiser." He giggle softly against my legs and once again I'm stuck on what to do. Am I supposed to high five him? Or fist bump him? Maybe a simple hello will work, although it's hard to get through the initial shock of the little one attached to me.

"Hello kid." I grumble out at the still giggling four year old boy. He suddenly pulls my hand, well tries to pull me but I let him anyway and he "pulls" me into the kitchen. JJ stands at the counter, julienned potatoes for fries sits in a transparent bowl filled with water atop the counter, he works on the rest of the potatoes. "Dada has bitey." The little one points to the bag of snack that is hung on the cupboard.

I roll my eyes at the little man, kids can never keep a secret for long. I told him it'll be our little secret when I'd snuck one of the snack for us to munch on last week. What? Don't judge me, those things are ridiculously delicious for something dubbed a kid snack.

JJ looks between us, his narrowed intense gaze has me looking somewhere else like I'm an innocent party in all this. "I knew one was missing but I couldn't quite figure it out." He says, he has a knife in hand so I do the next best thing. I hide behind the kid.

"It was all your kid, I had nothing to do with it." I explain with raised hands. "See he's not denying it." Truly the little one stands there already engrossed with his toy.

He simply rolls his eyes although a smile lingers on his lips. "We're having steak and fries salad for dinner."

I simply stand there as JJ hustles and bustles in the kitchen, even though I practically made the fries salad. I added the oil into it. The table is set and JJ calls his ever dramatic little sister down for dinner.

They all say grace together like I've witnessed them do before, I might have picked up one or two of the words. Everyone begins to dig in but this time it's different. For some reason this is different. Satisfying, completing, reassuring, pleasing, familial but in a different way that I wasn't used to. It felt strong.

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