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Fuck this isn't happening.

I look around the room around the silent room and some are fidgeting, some are sweating, the tools on the table were definitely scary but one thing is I find it hard to be scared when I did nothing. Which is exactly why I was going out for a smoke.

What I didn't do is steal, but the scariest part is actually what I did do. Which is be with bruiser, in ways that were definitely against club laws.

After retrieving the stick of cigarette from bruiser and lighting it, I step out of the warehouse into the darkening night.

It all feels so weird, like someone purposely stealing from the club? It's a little tough to think about that one of us was a sellout, not only that but an evil person because all of us were suffering right now.

Our houses being searched and our days being ruined for someone's selfish gain.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and upon glancing at the caller ID, my heart sinks. "Jesse where are you? You were supposed to pick Laney up hours ago."

"About that Renee, uhm I can't this weekend. Something came up and I can't pick up the little man this weekend." I feel the tears coming to the surface as the words spill out of my mouth. I've never been apart from my son, not even for one weekend.

"What? Jesse is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I need to settle somethings so uhm.. kiss the little man goodnight for me eh." I feel the tears making their way down my eyes and I can't find it in me to stop.

"Jesse this is not fair, you can't just spring things on me like this. Laney misses you and wouldn't stop raving about seeing daddy today. How do you want me to tell him you're not coming?" I simply take the cowards way out and disconnect the call. I don't have the strength in me to justify abandoning my son. It runs in my veins so why was I trying to deny it?

I pocket my phone and take another drag of the stick between my fingers.

I stomp the butt of the stick and it's so fast that I barely see the individual, all I feel is hands wrapped around my throat. My back rests against the wall, making my movements very limited as the body cages me against the wall.

"Since we're in the business of carrying news around, when are you gonna tell him that the mayor is your father?" No mistaking the venomous voice, I know instantly that it's mamba. No pun intended.

I so wasn't in the mood for all this theatrics. I'd simply told Hunter that I saw mamba and ADA Cox having a nice conversation it seemed and I guess he was just confronted about it. I'm not to blame for the strain in their relationship for the past few weeks.

"How did you know?" I ask after shoving his hand away from my neck. The motherfucker wasn't gripping tight anyways.

"They call me mamba for a reason, I hacked into city records." He shrugs. "Are you using him?"


"Hunter, are you using him?" A scowl covers my face as I try to figure out what in the hell is going on.

"Because you see ever since you joined, there's been problems and so conveniently you are the mayor's son. Guns go missing and Hunter is conveniently your alibi. You see how everything adds up too conveniently?"

"In your quest through city records, I think you conveniently skipped through the part where I'm the mayor's illegitimate son and have no relationship with him." I spat out in disgust, the thought that I'm a spy or whatever he thinks I am makes me fume. And to top off my ruined day, he mentions dear ol' dad. Fuck you mamba. "I'm not using Hunter, he's... I'm not using him."

"Okay." He replies nonchalantly.

I narrow my eyes in confusion "Okay?" He came in guns blazing and now it's just a simple "Okay".

"Well bruiser has told me everything but I just needed to confirm something by myself." A smirk dances on his lips and he begins to wiggle his eyebrows. It's official, this guy is a weird one. "So are you gonna tell me why you were crying?"

I inwardly roll my eyes. "Are you gonna tell me why you thought the best way to start a conversation with me is by cutting off my air supply?" I retort.

"Tis is called a dramatic persona." His hands does a series of movements and I just stare at him blankly. Eventually I succumb to the chuckle and just let it out. I guess he's a tolerable person when he's not cutting off my air supply. "So?" He asks again and I figure he won't let up.

"My kid. Can't pick him up because of.... well all this." I gesture around us. "I miss him." I state almost quietly.

"This sucks, everything fucking sucks right now." No bone in me disagrees with that fact. "Let's just hope those weapons are found or it's gonna get a lot worse."

Fucking hell, that thought scared me.

Mamba and I stand outside the warehouse for a long while, the night darkens around us and the air becomes more chilly. Although I barely sense any of it as my heart races a thousand miles per second, fear consuming my entire being, a deep rooted fear of the unknown.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon